This card appears when you are hanging in there and persevering under pressure. You are holding on despite the forces pulling at the other end of your rope. There are two ways to look at this. One is that the card is indicating that you are holding your own in a long-term project. The other is that you might be needlessly hanging on to a point of view that needs to go.
Wands represent creativity. The walking staff is a metaphor for the thing we carry with us that makes our journey through life easier. I personally have a walking staff with a wooden carved skull on the top. I affectionately call it "Skully". I love to go for walks in the woods and will usually take Skully with me. He comes in handy when navigating rough terrain. Just as Skully helps me out through the rough parts of my walk, the walking staff in your life is going to help you through yours, metaphorically speaking.
The soldier on the card represents you, battling the obstacles that are still holding you back. The Nine of Wands is reassuring you that the battle has not beaten you. Find your creative voice and battle even harder. You will emerge triumphant, but it won't be easy.
Likewise, if you are holding onto something that needs to go, have the courage to let go. Sometimes it is helpful to consider if your battle continues to be worth fighting. If it doesn't continue to be worth fighting, let it go and move on to the next thing.
Brave soldier, you have been fighting hard, and you continue to fight hard. It will be worth it when you stand triumphantly on the battle field and victory is yours. The appearance of this card today is reassurance and encouragement for you to continue on. You can do this!
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