Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thursday Catch up

Usually I don't post on Thursdays, but since I haven't been able to post any of the other days that I usually do this week, I figured I would "catch up" a little today.

The picture on the right pretty much sums up how I feel at this point. This has been such a busy and eventful week!  I'll fill you in.

First, on Monday night, the girls had their last all-city concert of the year. It was their orchestra concert and it was fabulous.  I always love when they both get to perform in the same school concert.  Also on Monday, I got to take 10 of my fabulous 3rd grade students to sing and be interviewed on the KBBG radio station.  They were so awesome and I am such a proud teacher.  I will get to hear the interview later on today, and I am so excited.  Then on Tuesday, it was the day of my school concert for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade.  We performed for the whole school at 2:30 p.m., then again at 6:30.  Not only that, but KD had a piano lesson and both girls also had "Little Mermaid" rehearsal.  And after my concert, KD and I had tickets to "The Illusionists".

On Tuesday, I got home from school and discovered that my praying mantis ootheca had hatched and I had about 100 new babies to take care of.  Of course, it hatched on my busiest day.  And of course, it hatched on the day the weather turned cold.  Rats.  So, after my school concert performance, I hustled over to Pet Smart to buy fruit flies before picking up KD to go to our show.

If you hadn't heard, my dear friend, Amanda Lee gave me a duck egg to hatch in an incubator.  You see, her children had found it on an Easter egg hunt, but of course, that was no Easter egg.  I was doubtful from the start that it would actually develop and hatch with so many factors going against it, like a night in the refrigerator, whether or not it was fertilized, etc. etc.  But, as luck would have it, after KD and I got home from "The Illusionists", our little duck egg had a significant crack in it and a tiny cheeping beak pushing it's way through.  Again, on one of my busiest days ever.  Sometime in the middle of the night, the little darling hatched and we now have a duckling at the Waltz house.  My friend's family has visiting "rights" so last night they stopped over and we got the duckling moved into it's brooder box.

Yesterday after school, I had a meeting with my children's choir assistant directors, then I headed to Blain's Farm and Fleet to get duck food and couple other supplies.  It was extremely cold and windy. On my way through the parking lot walking to my car, I happened to spot a tiny Red Admiral butterfly hanging out on the pavement.  I picked it up.  It flapped it's wings a bit, but it was so windy it clung to my hand.  I put it in my van so it could warm up and it perched on a towel I had in there.  I took it home and put it into a butterfly keeper with some fruit.  It is doing well and I will release it when it finally warms up again.  Along with about 90 praying mantis babies.

So, you can see that I've been pretty busy.  Not only with concerts, lessons, and music and theatre stuff, but now also with rescuing and caring for whatever of nature's creatures seem to need it.

KD and I really enjoyed "The Illusionists".  KD, however, is very clever and had an explanation for almost every illusion.  I am now a big fan of "The Anti-Conjurer".  Really, I loved his style so much!! KD and I had to laugh, though, because his first trick was one that Angelle learned to do years ago and performed for us a few times at home.

You know, there are some people in our community who might see me as being a wicked person. The main reason for this is because I support our LGBT community, I support their rights and feel that their lifestyle is their choice.  I also support those of religions other than Christianity and I support those who are atheists.  Again, we have freedom of religion in our country and I feel we need to respect that.  For some of us, having freedom of religion means it's okay to read tarot cards and tell fortunes, or for those so gifted, to be a "medium".   And since I am very outspoken, I speak out for these rights and I speak out against those who protest the lifestyles of those who are not the same as them.  I am only protesting the protesters,  Everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs, and I completely respect that.  I don't mean to offend, and am sorry if I ever have offended you.

If I was truly wicked, I would have stomped on the butterfly.  I mean, really.  Okay, I might be a little bit wicked, but I'm not mean and I'm not evil.  As I like to say, if you are given the opportunity to help another creature today, do it.  Nothing is better for the soul.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Witchy Wednesday

Hello!  It's Witchy Wednesday!  The middle of the week.  After today we are more than halfway to the weekend.  Hurray!

My daughters used to have a subscription to a great subscription service called "Ibbeautiful". These curated boxes cater to pre-teen and teenage girls.  They both really enjoyed them, but then one day came to me wanting more "personalized" subscription boxes instead.  So, my older daughter now gets "Lootcrate" and my younger one gets "Artsnacks".  I like to peak and look at unboxing videos each month to see what they are going to get.  This month's "Lootcrate" box for Angelle had so much cool stuff in it, that I decided that's what I would feature for Witchy Wednesday today.

Warning:  SPOILER ALERT!  I will include some spoilers for the Lootcrate box for April, so if you don't want to know what's coming, stop reading now.  

Lootcrate is a monthly subscription box geared to gamers and fans of pop culture.  So far, Angelle has received cool stuff featuring "Avengers", different Marvel characters, "Walking Dead", "Harry Potter", "Deadpool", "Daredevil" and "Punisher" to name a few.  This month, the theme is "Quest".  In this box there will be some items from "Labyrinth", "Vikings", and "Harry Potter".

I already told her that I would like a couple of the items from her box.  I don't think she will let me have them, though!  She did give me the soap on a rope from "Walking Dead" in a previous box.  The soaps look like human ears.  Love them and can't wait to take them camping!  Out of this box, though, is a very cool "Labyrinth" tee-shirt.

I always LOVED this movie.  David Bowie (RIP), was a fabulous "Goblin King".  The music was fun and the story was great.  I know I had Angelle watch it a couple times when she was really little, but I don't think KD ever has.  I will have to remedy that.

One of the other items that I would like to have for myself that's going to be in her April Lootcrate box is this Viking Horn.  I keep calling it a Viking drinking horn, but I'm not entirely sure you can really drink from this one.  I recently had a dream in which an Asian man gave me something to drink in a drinking horn.  I took a drink and it was super sour and tart and made me light-headed.  The man took the drinking horn away from me and told me I drank too much from it and to only take small sips at a time.  Then he put the drinking horn away.  I know. Weird dream.  I know Angelle is going to love this as much as I do.

Speaking of Vikings, I have always said that when I die, I want a Viking funeral.  Put my body on a raft, float it on the creek (or a river to reduce the risk of fire spreading) and shoot flaming arrows onto it until it bursts into flames.  Unfortunately, I don't think it's legal.

Other items she will be receiving in her loot crate this month include cool "Harry Potter" socks, an "Uncharted 4" poster, and a 12 sided die ice mold (for those hard core gamers).

Lootcrate made a promise that every box in 2016 will include a tee-shirt.  So far, this is true, and Angelle has some really cool tee-shirts.  If she lets me, I might be wearing the "Labyrinth" one sometime!

If you like these items and think this sort of thing would be for you, sign up for Lootcrate here.  Angelle loves it and is so excited every month when her box arrives.

Have a wonderful Witchy Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tarot Tuesday 4/19/16

Today's card drawn is the Five of Pentacles.

This card indicates a time of financial strife, poverty and adversity.  It could be that you may have suffered a significant financial loss or set-back.  Situations included in this set-back could be material misfortune and lack, loss of funds, general poverty, illness, unemployment, and perhaps solitude.  If you have suffered such a loss, remember that there are people around you who are willing to help.  This too, will pass, and there is always a way out.  Open your eyes and go to the solution, or close your eyes and listen to your inner voice.

Quite often, the cause of these problems has been a matter of your own emotions.  Greed and anxiety can lead to to loss and mistakes.  Being possessive will lead you to being alone. The appearance of this card could indicate that you have been focusing on the material too much.  Now is a good time to focus on spiritual development.  Rise above your tough time and you will be stronger for it in the end.  What have you learned from the situation?

What is your relationship to money and material possessions? Try very hard not to let money become the primary motivating focus in your life.  Your worth is not measured by how much you have, but rather by that which you do to help others.  If you are faced with a lack of money, relax, take a deep breath, and keep on going.  While these situations can cause anxiety, it is important to not let anxiety control your life.  Have faith in your ability to manifest what you need to live a prosperous and fulfilled life.  Work on your attitudes about money and let go of the fear and anxiety surrounding your financial affairs. Look at what you have rather than what you do not have.

If you are still struggling with your relationship to money, I would encourage you to remember that like attracts like.  By focusing on the positive, you can bring more positive to yourself.  You really do have the power to manifest what you need, so go do it.  I remember  watching "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" when one of the grandfathers tells Charlie "There is plenty of money out there in the world.  You can always get money."  It's true.  There's a whole lot of money out there, but there is so much more to life than money.  Focus on the good things.

I'll leave you today with a little bit of folk magic that I have occasionally performed.  It's very positive, so don't be afraid of it.  Take a one or a five dollar bill, an amount you can part with. Attach that bill to a sticky note.  Write on the sticky note "Enjoy this gift of money".  Stick that little bit of money someplace where someone will find it.  The catch is that you can not tell anybody about it and also that you can not look back to see if someone finds it.  By putting a surprise of money out there in the world, you are welcoming it to come back to you.  And think of how much fun that is for the person who finds it.  Put a little bit of good out there and it comes back to you.  Peace and good fortune.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday Musings

Happy Monday, everyone.  What a busy, whirlwind weekend we had.  State solo and small group ensemble contest for Angelle (she got 4 1 ratings and 2 2 ratings), KD's string quartet concert, piano recital, and the fabulous Northern Iowa Junior Orchestra concert.  And tonight KD performs in the All City band festival, too.  So much beautiful music to be made.  I am thankful everyday that music is a part of our lives and that our girls get these experiences.  It makes life so much more beautiful.

Last week, the Long Island Medium, Teresa Caputo, was in Cedar Falls doing a show.  I was not able to attend, but would have been interested.  I confess I've never actually even seen her show. However, I was disappointed that a church in our community decided to protest her appearance.   From what I've heard, they were standing there with signs and telling people who were attending  that they were going to communicate with evil spirits and that Teresa's messages were from the devil.  It's not that I feel like the church doesn't have a right to protest or believe what they believe, but I think it's embarrassing for our community that they felt the need to do so.  Just as I don't protest this church's Sunday services or events, even though I don't believe as they do, I feel they should have just left this woman and her patrons alone.

I've always felt much pride to be living in a forward thinking, progressive and artistic community. We are a diverse community, full of diverse people from many walks of life and many unique cultures. As such, many different religions are also represented in our community.  My feeling is that this church feels that their religion is the only "right" one.  If they had their way, everyone in our community would believe exactly as they do.  I have my own beliefs and they may differ from many other's beliefs, but I certainly do not go out trying to force what I believe onto everyone else.  In fact, I do not want everyone else to believe as I do.  I enjoy what makes us each unique.  Sometimes the differences between us all are our beliefs, whether they be religious, political, or social issues.

When we take our beliefs and use them as an excuse for bullying, then I have a problem.  I feel it is bullying to tell people that the way they are living is wrong, unless of course if their way of living is affecting others in a negative way.  I feel it is bullying to tell people they are going to Hell if they marry someone of the same gender.  I feel it is bullying to tell people they are going to Hell if they are not a particular religion.  I feel it is bullying to protest a spiritual medium and her audience.  The beauty of living in America is that we do have the right to protest, but I still think, in this case, that it was inappropriate.

If, in fact, the medium was speaking out against a particular group of people, then I would be more in favor of the protest.  But, she wasn't.  She was providing a show for entertainment.  Some people really enjoyed her show and her services.  Some people got some comfort from it.  I'm pretty sure nobody came away from that show in league with devil or possessed by an evil spirit.  In fact, perhaps some people came away from that show with a deeper connection to God and a more firm belief in an after-life.  I've heard some comments from people who were confronted by the protesters.  I've heard things like "That's why I don't like Christians", and "These are the types of things that drive me away from the church". Is this really how they want to help people?  By driving them away?

Perhaps I get on my soap box too much about these issues and I should just learn to let it be. However, intolerance does tend to make me angry.  Being intolerant and judgmental just seems to me to be a very "small" way of being.  Where's the real evil?  It resides in the hearts of mankind, making people hate, judge, hurt, and sometimes even kill, all in the name of religion.  It's happened so often throughout history and happens every day.  We are no longer living in the dark ages, when people burned witches and tortured people until they converted to the "right" religion.  Giving into that self-righteousness is giving into the enemy, not going to see a medium.  Let's really live like we have learned something and changed since those horrible days.

I read cards and tell fortunes.  In October, my daughters and I do it every weekend at a local haunted attraction.  I have never felt I was doing anything wrong and the people I've read for have gotten a lot from those readings.  It comes easy for me and I have an aptitude for it.  And I love doing it.  So, judge me all you want.  If you have a problem with it, don't come get a reading from me.  However, you don't need to protest or go on a witch hunt.  My religion is still Catholic.  Yes, this fortune telling card reader puts herself in the same category as those "Christians" who protested the Long Island Medium, but we are not very much alike.  Which one of us is really being deceived?  You decide, but keep it to yourself.  Live and let live and respect each other's path.  I won't protest you until you protest me.  And that being said, I wish you all a peace filled Monday full of beautiful weather, beautiful people, and uplifting experiences.  And if you don't have a problem with a tarot card interpretation, check back tomorrow to see which card I draw.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tarot Tuesday, 4-12-16

Today's card drawn is the Eight of Wands.

This card indicates that your struggles have diminished and are almost cleared.  You now have the freedom and space to move forward with your plans and activities again.  There is much energy and movement to propel you forward to reach your goals.  You will find that you can reach these goals quickly and much faster than you ever could before.  You will be very busy, but it's a good kind of busy.  You will enthusiastically charge forward with the tasks that must be done and you will enjoy every minute of it.

While you are very active and on the move, you are very focused. You are very certain about your goal and as such, all distractions have been removed and you can dedicate yourself to the task at hand with complete concentration.  Your great determination and will is going to help you to be very productive.  You have much to accomplish and you will be able to do so in short time.

If you have a project currently underway, you can expect to complete it quite rapidly now.  You might also discover something new that inspires you and excites you.  You have energy in abundance and several great ideas.  It is a good idea to take things sequentially and make sure you complete one task before moving on to another.

The Eight of Wands is an action oriented card telling you to pay attention to opportunities and act on them when they present themselves to you.  It's a good idea to move quickly so the opportunities don't pass you by.  At the same time, don't rush into things without thinking about them first and having a clear plan of where you are heading.

Sometimes the Eight of Wands can suggest possible air travel.  Usually these are short-term trips, such as a business trip or a short holiday trip.  Keep your eyes open for travel opportunities, especially those which are whirlwind trips that happen very fast but cover a lot of territory.

Speaking of trips, I get to accompany the Northern Iowa Junior Orchestra on their tour tomorrow (Wednesday).  As such, there won't be a Witchy Wednesday post tomorrow unless I really get with it tonight and write it this evening.  Have a terrific Tuesday and take advantage of all today has to offer!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Witchy Wednesday

Happy Witchy Wednesday!!

Feeling creepy today, fellow creepsters?  I hope so. There's nothing wrong with feeling a bit creepy.

Today I found a fun site called  They have all kinds of creepy, gothic and witchy stuff for sale there.  I'll share a few of the fun things I found.

When I'm looking for creepy clothing, I usually look for something I could actually pull off by wearing it on a daily basis.  I think the "princess" dress on the left is the sort of thing I could wear every day.  I would wear it with leggings and boots.  I also really like the hair on the model to the left.  Very witchy.

This is a very nice jacket.  I love the ruffle and the sheerness of the rest of it.  Is sheerness a word?

Capes are interesting.  I've been wanting a hooded cape, but I want it to be a practical one that I could actually wear outside to keep the elements out and to also help me disappear when I'm out walking at night.

The one to the left is very interesting.  It would be lovely and warm to wear during those cold nights in the gypsy wagon.

This one is not so practical, but it is very, very pretty.

Mystic Crypt has many other products besides clothing.  To the left is a lovely zombie cameo pendant.

And for those of you planning a goth garden like I am, here is a fabulous gargoyle statue.

I encourage you to browse this site and see what catches your eye.  Do something witchy today!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tarot Tuesday - 4/5/16

Today's card drawn is the Three of Pentacles.

Last week the card draw was the Two of Pentacles.  This week it is the Three of Pentacles.  A nice, natural progression.

Last week was all about trying to juggle all of those responsibilities.  This week is more about the completion of one particular goal or plan.  Usually this indicates a creative venture, business, or even a building project.  The hardest part of this project, getting started, has been completed and now you are enjoying that the project is well underway.  You have the ability to achieve your goals in life and succeed in your ventures.  You truly want to produce quality work and lead a quality life.

This card is here for encouragement.  If you continue to work as you currently are, you WILL succeed.  Do not doubt yourself at this point.  Do not allow disillusionment to dampen your excitement.  Prosperity and success are coming your way as long as you believe in yourself and continue doing what you are doing.  You need to do your part in all of this and if you do, your dreams can be made real.

The Three of Pentacles could also mean that you could use some assistance to complete what you are doing.  It is fine to draw on the experience of others.  Don't be afraid to ask.  If you have a partner you are working with, feel free to share your work with him/her, but only if he/she is working as diligently as you are.

If you are a part of a team, everyone is able to contribute with different levels of knowledge and experience.  No one member is more important than another.  Really listen to each other and respect each other's feedback and suggestions.  If you are given constructive criticism, do not take it personally, but use this input to improve in your work.

A good plan will also help you to succeed.  Be diligent in your management and organisation so that your project progresses well.  It will pay off in the end.

Yesterday I thought about doing a "Monday Musings" post, but for some reason, I honestly couldn't think of what to "muse" about.  We had a nice Suzuki recital weekend, both girls performed beautifully and we had a nice visit with their grandparents.  Nothing terribly exciting, but we did have a lovely weekend.  Do you ever have a time like that?  When you just can't think of what to talk about?  But Tarot Tuesday is easy.  I just draw a card and interpret it.  Tomorrow is "Witchy Wednesday" and I'll see what I can come up with in the world of "witchy" fashion.  Have a great Tuesday!