The picture on the right pretty much sums up how I feel at this point. This has been such a busy and eventful week! I'll fill you in.
First, on Monday night, the girls had their last all-city concert of the year. It was their orchestra concert and it was fabulous. I always love when they both get to perform in the same school concert. Also on Monday, I got to take 10 of my fabulous 3rd grade students to sing and be interviewed on the KBBG radio station. They were so awesome and I am such a proud teacher. I will get to hear the interview later on today, and I am so excited. Then on Tuesday, it was the day of my school concert for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. We performed for the whole school at 2:30 p.m., then again at 6:30. Not only that, but KD had a piano lesson and both girls also had "Little Mermaid" rehearsal. And after my concert, KD and I had tickets to "The Illusionists".
On Tuesday, I got home from school and discovered that my praying mantis ootheca had hatched and I had about 100 new babies to take care of. Of course, it hatched on my busiest day. And of course, it hatched on the day the weather turned cold. Rats. So, after my school concert performance, I hustled over to Pet Smart to buy fruit flies before picking up KD to go to our show.
If you hadn't heard, my dear friend, Amanda Lee gave me a duck egg to hatch in an incubator. You see, her children had found it on an Easter egg hunt, but of course, that was no Easter egg. I was doubtful from the start that it would actually develop and hatch with so many factors going against it, like a night in the refrigerator, whether or not it was fertilized, etc. etc. But, as luck would have it, after KD and I got home from "The Illusionists", our little duck egg had a significant crack in it and a tiny cheeping beak pushing it's way through. Again, on one of my busiest days ever. Sometime in the middle of the night, the little darling hatched and we now have a duckling at the Waltz house. My friend's family has visiting "rights" so last night they stopped over and we got the duckling moved into it's brooder box.
Yesterday after school, I had a meeting with my children's choir assistant directors, then I headed to Blain's Farm and Fleet to get duck food and couple other supplies. It was extremely cold and windy. On my way through the parking lot walking to my car, I happened to spot a tiny Red Admiral butterfly hanging out on the pavement. I picked it up. It flapped it's wings a bit, but it was so windy it clung to my hand. I put it in my van so it could warm up and it perched on a towel I had in there. I took it home and put it into a butterfly keeper with some fruit. It is doing well and I will release it when it finally warms up again. Along with about 90 praying mantis babies.
So, you can see that I've been pretty busy. Not only with concerts, lessons, and music and theatre stuff, but now also with rescuing and caring for whatever of nature's creatures seem to need it.
KD and I really enjoyed "The Illusionists". KD, however, is very clever and had an explanation for almost every illusion. I am now a big fan of "The Anti-Conjurer". Really, I loved his style so much!! KD and I had to laugh, though, because his first trick was one that Angelle learned to do years ago and performed for us a few times at home.
You know, there are some people in our community who might see me as being a wicked person. The main reason for this is because I support our LGBT community, I support their rights and feel that their lifestyle is their choice. I also support those of religions other than Christianity and I support those who are atheists. Again, we have freedom of religion in our country and I feel we need to respect that. For some of us, having freedom of religion means it's okay to read tarot cards and tell fortunes, or for those so gifted, to be a "medium". And since I am very outspoken, I speak out for these rights and I speak out against those who protest the lifestyles of those who are not the same as them. I am only protesting the protesters, Everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs, and I completely respect that. I don't mean to offend, and am sorry if I ever have offended you.
If I was truly wicked, I would have stomped on the butterfly. I mean, really. Okay, I might be a little bit wicked, but I'm not mean and I'm not evil. As I like to say, if you are given the opportunity to help another creature today, do it. Nothing is better for the soul.