My daughters used to have a subscription to a great subscription service called "Ibbeautiful". These curated boxes cater to pre-teen and teenage girls. They both really enjoyed them, but then one day came to me wanting more "personalized" subscription boxes instead. So, my older daughter now gets "Lootcrate" and my younger one gets "Artsnacks". I like to peak and look at unboxing videos each month to see what they are going to get. This month's "Lootcrate" box for Angelle had so much cool stuff in it, that I decided that's what I would feature for Witchy Wednesday today.
Warning: SPOILER ALERT! I will include some spoilers for the Lootcrate box for April, so if you don't want to know what's coming, stop reading now.
Lootcrate is a monthly subscription box geared to gamers and fans of pop culture. So far, Angelle has received cool stuff featuring "Avengers", different Marvel characters, "Walking Dead", "Harry Potter", "Deadpool", "Daredevil" and "Punisher" to name a few. This month, the theme is "Quest". In this box there will be some items from "Labyrinth", "Vikings", and "Harry Potter".

I always LOVED this movie. David Bowie (RIP), was a fabulous "Goblin King". The music was fun and the story was great. I know I had Angelle watch it a couple times when she was really little, but I don't think KD ever has. I will have to remedy that.

One of the other items that I would like to have for myself that's going to be in her April Lootcrate box is this Viking Horn. I keep calling it a Viking drinking horn, but I'm not entirely sure you can really drink from this one. I recently had a dream in which an Asian man gave me something to drink in a drinking horn. I took a drink and it was super sour and tart and made me light-headed. The man took the drinking horn away from me and told me I drank too much from it and to only take small sips at a time. Then he put the drinking horn away. I know. Weird dream. I know Angelle is going to love this as much as I do.
Speaking of Vikings, I have always said that when I die, I want a Viking funeral. Put my body on a raft, float it on the creek (or a river to reduce the risk of fire spreading) and shoot flaming arrows onto it until it bursts into flames. Unfortunately, I don't think it's legal.
Other items she will be receiving in her loot crate this month include cool "Harry Potter" socks, an "Uncharted 4" poster, and a 12 sided die ice mold (for those hard core gamers).

Lootcrate made a promise that every box in 2016 will include a tee-shirt. So far, this is true, and Angelle has some really cool tee-shirts. If she lets me, I might be wearing the "Labyrinth" one sometime!
If you like these items and think this sort of thing would be for you, sign up for Lootcrate here. Angelle loves it and is so excited every month when her box arrives.
Have a wonderful Witchy Wednesday.
I love this months LOOTCRATE!!!!