Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday Musings

Happy Monday, everyone.  What a busy, whirlwind weekend we had.  State solo and small group ensemble contest for Angelle (she got 4 1 ratings and 2 2 ratings), KD's string quartet concert, piano recital, and the fabulous Northern Iowa Junior Orchestra concert.  And tonight KD performs in the All City band festival, too.  So much beautiful music to be made.  I am thankful everyday that music is a part of our lives and that our girls get these experiences.  It makes life so much more beautiful.

Last week, the Long Island Medium, Teresa Caputo, was in Cedar Falls doing a show.  I was not able to attend, but would have been interested.  I confess I've never actually even seen her show. However, I was disappointed that a church in our community decided to protest her appearance.   From what I've heard, they were standing there with signs and telling people who were attending  that they were going to communicate with evil spirits and that Teresa's messages were from the devil.  It's not that I feel like the church doesn't have a right to protest or believe what they believe, but I think it's embarrassing for our community that they felt the need to do so.  Just as I don't protest this church's Sunday services or events, even though I don't believe as they do, I feel they should have just left this woman and her patrons alone.

I've always felt much pride to be living in a forward thinking, progressive and artistic community. We are a diverse community, full of diverse people from many walks of life and many unique cultures. As such, many different religions are also represented in our community.  My feeling is that this church feels that their religion is the only "right" one.  If they had their way, everyone in our community would believe exactly as they do.  I have my own beliefs and they may differ from many other's beliefs, but I certainly do not go out trying to force what I believe onto everyone else.  In fact, I do not want everyone else to believe as I do.  I enjoy what makes us each unique.  Sometimes the differences between us all are our beliefs, whether they be religious, political, or social issues.

When we take our beliefs and use them as an excuse for bullying, then I have a problem.  I feel it is bullying to tell people that the way they are living is wrong, unless of course if their way of living is affecting others in a negative way.  I feel it is bullying to tell people they are going to Hell if they marry someone of the same gender.  I feel it is bullying to tell people they are going to Hell if they are not a particular religion.  I feel it is bullying to protest a spiritual medium and her audience.  The beauty of living in America is that we do have the right to protest, but I still think, in this case, that it was inappropriate.

If, in fact, the medium was speaking out against a particular group of people, then I would be more in favor of the protest.  But, she wasn't.  She was providing a show for entertainment.  Some people really enjoyed her show and her services.  Some people got some comfort from it.  I'm pretty sure nobody came away from that show in league with devil or possessed by an evil spirit.  In fact, perhaps some people came away from that show with a deeper connection to God and a more firm belief in an after-life.  I've heard some comments from people who were confronted by the protesters.  I've heard things like "That's why I don't like Christians", and "These are the types of things that drive me away from the church". Is this really how they want to help people?  By driving them away?

Perhaps I get on my soap box too much about these issues and I should just learn to let it be. However, intolerance does tend to make me angry.  Being intolerant and judgmental just seems to me to be a very "small" way of being.  Where's the real evil?  It resides in the hearts of mankind, making people hate, judge, hurt, and sometimes even kill, all in the name of religion.  It's happened so often throughout history and happens every day.  We are no longer living in the dark ages, when people burned witches and tortured people until they converted to the "right" religion.  Giving into that self-righteousness is giving into the enemy, not going to see a medium.  Let's really live like we have learned something and changed since those horrible days.

I read cards and tell fortunes.  In October, my daughters and I do it every weekend at a local haunted attraction.  I have never felt I was doing anything wrong and the people I've read for have gotten a lot from those readings.  It comes easy for me and I have an aptitude for it.  And I love doing it.  So, judge me all you want.  If you have a problem with it, don't come get a reading from me.  However, you don't need to protest or go on a witch hunt.  My religion is still Catholic.  Yes, this fortune telling card reader puts herself in the same category as those "Christians" who protested the Long Island Medium, but we are not very much alike.  Which one of us is really being deceived?  You decide, but keep it to yourself.  Live and let live and respect each other's path.  I won't protest you until you protest me.  And that being said, I wish you all a peace filled Monday full of beautiful weather, beautiful people, and uplifting experiences.  And if you don't have a problem with a tarot card interpretation, check back tomorrow to see which card I draw.

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