Marvelous Monday, everyone. What a wild ride we all seem to be on here in America. Today I'm just going to share my thoughts about a few things with you all.
Covid-19 didn't go anywhere. Suddenly as shops are open and protests and demonstrations are happening, a lot of us seem to have forgotten that. I am even going out into public more than I did in March, April and the beginning of May. We now have protests and vigils which are very important. We also have restaurants and bars opening. I'm all for the protests because I feel it's very important that our country make changes within our police system and in the way they treat black people in particular. However, if you do go to protest, PLEASE continue to wear the mask and try your best to keep 6 feet between you and your family group and other groups. This can be so hard, but I'm so concerned about a second wave happening. I'm still trying to limit going out into public. I've gone to a couple places, but have made sure my interactions are mostly just with the group I'm with. And I wear a mask whenever I can. I love grocery delivery. I doubt I would have tried it if it weren't for Covid. I'm continuing with that practice for sure and only going to places that are not as busy as the larger stores.
Black Lives Matter. I can't stress this enough. When we are saying this, we are not saying all lives don't matter. We are saying that right now, black lives need more help and that something desperately needs to be done to improve race relations in our country. White privilege is a thing. Sure, you might have grown up poor and with a ton of struggles (I did), but if you are white, you still had and have white privilege. There are certain privileges that come just because you are white that have nothing to do with your socio-economic status. The sooner everyone realizes this, the sooner we can move on as a country and fix what needs to be fixed.
I've been seeing the witch and pagan community grow and I think this is wonderful. Is this a spiritual path that you are interested in? Are you interested in the practice of magick? There are a ton of books out there that make great resources. If you are new to all of this, I would urge you to educate yourself. If you have questions or are looking for resources, please feel free to ask them on the Cedar Valley Witch Society page or ask for recommendations for reading material. There are a lot of us on that page and we are all happy to help. You can also send a private message if you are more comfortable with that. It is important that you know about the path and that you know what you're doing if you are intending to practice a form of magick. Essentially in our community you are going to find a few different groups. There are Pagans, who generally practice a poly-theistic form of religion. Under the Pagan umbrella, there are still more groups. Wiccans would fit under the Pagan umbrella. Wicca is a religion. Witchcraft is a practice. Wiccans don't have to practice witchcraft and witches don't have to be Wiccan. Then there are those who identify more as mages. A mage is one who is focused on practicing magick. The religious aspect of it is possibly less important to a mage, but not necessarily. For whatever reason, a mage might choose to not be known as a witch, but might prefer to be known as a mage. There are covens of witches and there are those who prefer to practice alone.
Real world witchery is going to look different than Hollywood witchery. If this is a path you are considering, try to learn a bit more about it before just jumping into it. It is important that you know and understand what it is that you are doing. There are plenty of us who are willing to help and who are willing to answer questions. Reach out to us anytime.
Apparently tomorrow, tropical storm "Cristobal" is possibly going to track through part of Eastern Iowa. It looks like it will mostly miss the Cedar Valley, but areas further East and South of us will still be affected. According to the weather, we might still get a lot of rain and wind as a result. The last time a tropical storm tracked through Iowa was in 1900. 2020 just gets weirder and weirder. Check your windshield wipers today and be prepared for a lot of rain tomorrow.
Well, witchlings, I hope your Monday is marvelous. I'll pull a tarot card for you tomorrow so check back then.
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