The Four of Wands is a very positive card. It reflects harmony and positive feelings along with hard work and good results. This card also indicates that there is a surprise on the way and that you are going to be overjoyed by it. What could be nicer than knowing a joyful surprise is coming?
This is a card of celebration and gathering, so it is very possible that some sort of celebration like a birthday or anniversary is coming up which you might be anticipating and yet, some sort of happy surprise is coming for you that may or may not be related to this event. While the get-together which is coming up might seem like an ordinary one, it will suddenly become one of the most wonderful moments of your life.
The number four is a number of stability and firm foundations. Think of a piece of furniture with four legs. It is much better at standing alone than one with three legs. This is one of the most positive cards in the tarot deck. Coming for you are a sense of harmony and balance and completion.
This is an excellent time for a get together. Invite a few people over or throw a big party. If there is an event coming up, use it as a reason to have a gathering. The Four of Wands is indicating that magic will come from getting together with friends or family.
The Four of Wands also is associated with the home and family. If you are planning on renovating your home or doing home improvements, now is a good time to do that. It may also indicate that you will purchase a new home or are very close to finding a new home. You will be getting ready to settle down in your new environment and make it your own little utopia.
If you have recently had any disagreements with someone, this is a good time to make a peace offering and move on. Focus on creating harmony in the relationship.
If things seem tough, this is a card of encouragement. It is a reminder that most things in life do not come easily, so when you accomplish a big milestone, you should be proud of how far you have come and all that you have achieved. It's fine to celebrate these milestones. Create some happy memories and look forward to the happy surprise that is coming your way.
In my case, this is my birthday month. The girls and I are planning to have a fun, mini get-away to a really cute, quaint and fun place sometime towards the end of the month. I'm really looking forward to that and can't wait to see what surprise comes with the celebration!
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