I will do a quick review of "The Hermit" meaning,

"The Hermit" review: This card has to do with spiritual growth and fulfillment. The appearance of this card indicates that important spiritual events and steps will be occurring for you soon. It is an excellent time for some introspection and examining your belief system and spiritual practices. It is very possible that you might be meeting new people who will be important to your spiritual growth very soon. Since this card was also a recently drawn one, I would say that this trend is going to be a continuing one in your life for awhile. Pay close attention to the connections you make over the next few months. They may be significant to your spirit. You also might be feeling very intuitive right now. You might experience this feeling of being "in tune" growing for awhile.
The "Four of Pentacles" or according to Cat Rocketship, the "Four of Coins": This is a card about holding onto things for longer than you should. The appearance of this card is telling you to look carefully at what you are clinging to. It could also be that others are clinging to you in an unhealthy way. Sometimes this can mean you are clinging onto the physical possessions in your life, such as money. This is an excellent time of year to let some of that go. Have you practiced a random act of kindness yet today? The best way to get more money coming into your life is to put some out into the world. I know I've shared this before, but one of my favorite bits of folk magic is to very secretly place a $1 or a $5 attached to a sticky note that says "Enjoy this gift of money" someplace random for someone to find. The important thing is to not look back to see if someone finds it once you have done it. It will find it's way back to you in greater amounts.
In general, this card suggests there may be some anxiety or fear you are feeling regarding something you want to hold onto. It could be money. It could be a person. It could even just be a ritual or a way of being. Grasping at things does not bring security. You can let things go. If they are meant to be in your life, they will stay. Money included. It will return to you. And in regards to people, if you let them go and they are meant to be with you, they will come back.
Hmm. I'm going to get a little bit personal here. We have a very sick dog at home. She is 12 years old and on her 12th birthday started having heart problems. We treated those, but the medicine for heart problems led to kidney complications. The kidney problems are much worse than the heart problems. Right now I know her time with us is limited. We are giving her lots of love and bacon, the one thing she never refuses to eat. And we are giving her subcutaneous fluids every other day. She's a fighter and although she's very thin and not doing the best, she has shown us she is not ready to go. When she's ready, she will go on her own. I firmly believe that.
My belief with my dogs is that they always come back to me. The two dogs we own right now I can trace back two other incarnations. The personalities and spirits are the same. You might not believe in that sort of thing, but there is no doubt in my mind. Ebony became Allegro who became Shadow. Ajax became Dolce who became Princess. And I know that Shadow will return again, either to me or to Angelle when she gets out on her own and is able to get her own dog. Shadow, after all, was her dog this incarnation. It's part of the reason why I always feel like I have to have two dogs. The tarot card just made me think of this whole thing. Even though Shadow will be leaving this life soon, I know she will come back to me, in a different, new and healthy body. Ready for some new adventures. So can it be with whatever you are clinging to. Let it go and it can come back to you, new and refreshed.
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