It's that time of year for ugly holiday sweaters. I was thrilled when I found a zombie themed Christmas shirt at "Mohair Pear", one of my favorite stores. It even says "Season's Eatings" on it. Then at WalMart, I found a cool black Christmas shirt that says "BELIEVE" on it and features unicorns, jackalopes and Big Foot. I love things that are just a little bit twisted and different, so today I looked for some twisted and different holiday sweaters and shirts. I found a few good ones here at Middle of Beyond. Check them out.

These holiday ornaments are adorable.
Did you love the Gremlins movie? I did. I've never seen them on a Christmas sweater before, though.
I have a cousin who would LOVE this sweater! You know who you are.
So go ahead. Think outside the box this Christmas. Have a little bit of fun and be a little bit different. If you want to get a GREAT ugly sweater locally, I strongly recommend Mohair Pear on College Hill in Cedar Falls. They have the best and the ugliest.
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