This: I woke up today thinking it was a Thursday, only to discover it's really Friday! This rarely happens this way. What joy to think it's Thursday, then find out it's Friday!
This: I have jury duty next week. I have gotten jury duty a total of four times. The first time, my group did not have to report, but every other time, my group had to report, and I ended up serving on the jury. So I have been an actual juror three times. Apparently they like me.
This; Quetzalcoatl. So, I went with a friend to a gallery medium reading this week. I have gone to it before with KD before Christmas. These are not the types of mediums who are so vague that what they say could apply to anyone. They are also not the type who check all your information out on Facebook before you come. These ladies have convinced me that they are the real deal. Anyway, Quetzalcoatl came up for me this week. The lady who said it said she didn't really know what it meant, but that she was seeing Quetzalcoatl while giving me my reading. I knew a little bit about Q, but not much, so the next day I did a bit of research. I discovered some interesting things about Quetzalcoatl.
First, he is considered to be the feathered serpent (or dragon) in Mesoamerica. I have always loved dragons. My daughters know this. I was born the year of the dragon, so immediately Q got my attention. He is one of the most important gods in ancient Mesoamerica. He was regarded as the god of winds and rain and the creator of the world and mankind. Q is also identified with Venus, the rising morning star and discovered maize (corn) with the help of a giant red ant that led him to a mountain packed full of grain and seeds.
Okay, so I really like the stories of Q as a god. The really freaky thing, though, is when I ended up reading that some Mormons believe his stories were really inspired by the stories of Jesus. In other words, some think Q is Christ. There are several parallels in both of their stories. Q was the creator of life, he taught virtue, he was the greatest Lord of all, he had a long beard and the features of a white man, he was born of a virgin, he performed miracles, he taught the ordinance of baptism, he prophesied future events, the cross was one of his symbols, he is associated with a new star, and the Mesoamericans believed he would return (second coming).

This: My sister got her Mysterious Package from the mysterious package company today. She has been texting me her experience so far and it's very entertaining. You really should check it out! It's so funny, it's freaky.
Okay, that's it for freaky Friday today. What's freaky in your world? Have a freakishly awesome weekend! Learn something new. See you on Monday!!
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