Friday, July 29, 2016

It's Freaky Friday!  What's freaky?

This:  I have a tween and teenage daughter. They keep me posted on the "important" things going on in the world. Yesterday my 12 year old clued me into the mysterious saga of Marina Joyce.  Marina is a blogger from the UK.  Her video "Date Outfit Ideas", had her fans worried she was in some kind of trouble.  They said she was giving off signs of trouble, looked terrified at certain points of the video, and heard her whisper "help me" at some point.  They also noticed bruises on her arms and back in this video.  It was fun and freaky to follow this story for awhile yesterday, but friends and family of Marina's and Marina herself have stated she is perfectly fine.  Friends and family have also reported that she suffers from schizophrenia, causing her to sometimes see things that aren't there.  Either way, I enjoyed watching her "Date Outfit Ideas" video on you tube.  The girls in the video with her have very cool hair and the dresses are amazing.

This:  Actually, okay, never mind, I'm keeping politics off of this blog.  Fill in this particular freaky Friday with whatever you want.

This:  The Corpse Flower.  The Corpse Flower is in the process of blooming in a NYC botanical center.  It is a rare phenomenon as the corpse flower only blooms once every several years.  The unique thing about this flower is that is smells like rotting flesh, thus the name.  The reason?  To attract pollinators who feed on dead animals.  Oh, to be in NYC and be able to visit this amazing 8 foot tall flower in this process!  Freaky!

This:  This morning when I opened my blog, it was at exactly 4,000 pageviews.  Freaky!  I thought that was cool.  Thank you, readers, for helping my blog reach that mark!  Of course, it is now over that 4,000 mark already, but it was cool to sign on and see it at that nice even round number.  Kind of like when your car odometer turns over to 100,000.

This:  July 29, today, the day the world is supposed to end.....again.  So far, so good.  But there's about 12 more hours to go.  A lot of freaky things could happen in 12 hours!

This:  Muscatine Men in Black.  Earlier this summer, there were several reports of "men in black" along Highway 22 terrorizing motorists by either lurking along the side of the highway or sometimes even stepping out into traffic.  This phenomenon really became well known because of Facebook. My girls and I wanted to investigate this sometime, but the time hasn't been right yet this summer.  I haven't heard much about them since June.  Just a hoax?  Actual mysterious entities?  What do you think?  Freaky.

This:  One of my favorite Facebook pages, Calaveras Coffin Co., was asking for 6 word horror stories.  There were quite a few comments and some were even political, imagine that.  I pondered for awhile, read some other 6 word horror stories, and finally came up with this.  "Raised to be eaten, full grown".  What do you think?  Freaky?  If you have any 6 word horror stories, feel free to share them below.

Enjoy your freaky Friday, friends.  If the world doesn't end today, I'll blog again on Monday!

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