Whew. TGIF. What a week!!
What's freaky?

This: This is our death defying dog, Shadow. She turned 12 on Sunday and had a seizure/fainting spell. Then on Tuesday, she had another. I called the vet and when I got her her leash and collar to take her to the vet, she had another episode. To make the long story short, her heart stopped while she was at the vet and the vet resuscitated her with CPR. I know some people who do distance energy healing, and they were willing to help out and send her as much healing energy as they could. Well, yesterday, little Shadow got to come home. The veterinarian is truly impressed and said she is quite the fighter. She clearly was not ready to go yet.

This: This is a baby praying mantis. My ootheca hatched on one of the coldest spring days we had. So, I have several of these little guys happily feasting on fruit flies. I released a few into my garden when it finally warmed up. Isn't it freakishly cute?

This! Do you know who this is? Yes, it's Anonymous. It still really freaks me out that this guy/group actually exists and does what he/it does in our country. If you are not familiar with Anonymous, look it up. They basically stand for social justice and call high profile people out publicly when they want to. Seriously, though, who are they? I mean, really? Anonymous, who are you?? It seems so much like a character who would be in a movie, but no. This is reality. Anonymous is real. And freaky. Very freaky.

This! I honestly just can't even believe this is an issue. Why are we this concerned over gender identity that whether or not trans-gender people can use the restroom they are most comfortable in is a big political issue? So, I like this all inclusive restroom sign. Even if you identify as unicorn or teletubby, you can use this restroom. Bonus points for any of my readers who know what the top right creature is. Answer in the comments or as a comment on the FB post with the link to this blog.

And finally today, this! this is the Sallie House and it's for sale! If you want to live in one of the most notoriously haunted houses known today, this one is for you. Or maybe you just want to buy it and rent it out to ghost hunters. Apparently you can make a pretty decent income doing that. I know a few paranormal professionals (mediums, etc.) who warn their audience to stay away from this one. Apparently whatever is there has a very negative energy. That's freaky!
That's it for Freaky Friday today. Forgive me for not blogging the rest of the week, but with our doggie drama, it took most of my thoughts and energy. Frankly, I'm a bit exhausted today. We are so thankful our little Shadow is doing well. She is very special to our family. Stay freaky today, my friends!
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