This card indicates gradual change, movement, or perhaps travel away from difficulty or even danger. Are you currently experiencing some problems or obstacles? The Six of Swords is showing you that you are on the path away from them. It may seem slow or gradual, but the journey away from your troubles will be successful. It can also indicate literal travel. It would be a great time for a short trip or a longer vacation. Traveling will be favorable.
If you find yourself making the decision to change jobs or careers, trust that the universe is taking you to where you want to be. This is all happening for a reason and your current position is no longer working for you. The change will be for the better.
Financially speaking, the appearance of this card indicates that your financial tide is turning for the better. If you have been struggling the past year or two, things are about to improve. On the flip side, if you've been "riding high" for some time now, you can expect a slight downfall. You can take steps either way. If you find your financial situation improving, you can treat yourself to something small, but don't get carried away. Manage your money wisely. If you find things are getting worse, plan ahead to make sure you will have enough reserves to get you through a short set-back.
Applying this card to your health means that perhaps it's time to look for a new health provider if you are dealing with a problem, or at least get a second opinion. Remember to take care of your mental health as well. If you need a vacation or a break, give yourself just that. This card is telling you that it is a great time for a short (or longer) trip away and a change of scenery. The break will be good for your health in the long run.
Are you on a spiritual quest? You may receive some answers suddenly that have eluded you before. This awareness could even be tied to a change in routine, travel, or researching different spiritual traditions. Have you had interesting dreams lately? Pay attention to them. Sometimes our subconscious gives us answers in that way. If you are feeling stuck in a rut, sometimes the best thing to do is change your path to work, do something different from your normal routine, eat somewhere you've never eaten before, go to an event you've never attended before, anything that shakes up your "norm". You will be amazed at what can happen if you do.
The Six of Swords is a card of travel. This can be metaphorical or literal. Boy voyage and good luck on your journey, wherever it takes you.
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