The Star is a card of the future. It is also a card of hope.
The Star looks a ways off into the future, but not the immediate future, to tell you there is hope and that a certain situation is going to resolve itself in your favor. This will take some time and like I said, do not expect it to resolve itself immediately, but the future is definitely looking better than your present situation. Therefore some patience and perseverance is required, but it is worth it in the end.
Lately I've been thinking a lot about the ripple effect, also known as the butterfly effect. I think I had a defining moment when I saved a butterfly from the freezing cold Blain's Farm and Fleet parking lot and released it a few days later on a nice, sunny, warm spring day. Knowing that the butterfly effect refers to the flap of a butterfly's wings causing a ripple that could possibly cause a huge event to happen in the world, or at least affect the future in some way, I wondered how that one act of rescuing that one little butterfly affected the world. The thought of it is mind boggling.
This ripple effect is very relevant to the appearance of The Star card. As the young woman in the photo pours her pitchers of water out, one of them into the water, and the other onto the grass, how is she affecting the future? Just as she is creating ripples in the water, the water being poured out onto the grass is also causing an effect. You just can't see it as clearly.
It is important to remember that every action you take, every word you say, every act of kindness or act of negativity is being sent out into the Universe to ripple and bend and create the future. It is important to ask yourself what you are contributing to the world. Are you contributing happiness and generosity or are you contributing hate and judgement? What do you want your own future to hold? Have you set yourself on the path to achieve that future?
The appearance of this card today is reminding you of just how powerful you are. You are not insignificant. Every single little thing you do ripples out and comes back to you much larger than it was when you sent it out. Make sure you're sending out the good stuff. It will come back to you.
The Star is said to be a card of good omen. The fact that it has appeared today is telling you that everything is starting to look up. Your finances will be improving. Your career will be heading in the direction it needs to. Your relationships will be coming back into balance. You may be feeling inspired and finding that opportunity is knocking. Great things are in store for you, but you need to stay positive and know there is much more goodness in the world than there is negativity. Most importantly, you are a determining factor in making our future the fabulous one you want it to be. What you do really does matter. This being said, to help ensure that your future is as bright as The Star is saying it's going to be, go out and help it along with a random act of kindness. Any little act will do. Go do it today. Right now if you can. You hold the paintbrush so go and paint a beautiful and kind world.
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