This: TONIGHT it begins!! KD, Shelby Davis and I will begin reading fortunes in the Gypsy Wagon at the Harris Haven Funeral Home Haunted House in Evansdale, Iowa. There is no extra charge for getting your fortune told, but since we are volunteering, we do appreciate tips. Also, Angelle will not be helping in the wagon this year, but is volunteering in the haunted house as a character. I guarantee she will be freakily scary, or scarily freaky. Stop by! We will be there tomorrow night, too, and most weekend nights all through October. Tonight it will be just me doing the readings. Tomorrow night I hope KD will join me and then some following weekends, you will also find Shelby reading the tarot. Let's jump start Halloween season. Come see me tonight!!
This: Meet "Po". He arrived this week on Wednesday. I had him on a sort of "layaway" program for a few months, although I did get him for less than half the normal cost. Yes, it's real. Yes, it's very very cool. And worthy of honor and respect. After all, he was once part of a living human. Shelby Davis named him "Po". "Po" is the Chinese word for the "yin" portion of the soul that remains with the body after death. As this skull is originally from China and is a male, this is the perfect name. Thank you, Shelby! He will be at the Cedar Valley Silent Supper this year. More than likely in the place reserved for "spirit"
This: Last weekend we had seriously freaky flooding in my community. Where we live, we were just fine. No flooding. Not even close. Which is funny considering our oldest daughter was born during a horrible flood in our neighborhood 17 years ago. I remember being a day away from giving birth and wading through thigh high flood waters. I was carrying a dog and we were trying to get to our van parked down the street. Once we got there we discovered water was halfway up the van, so we had to stay home and hope for the best. We spent the next day cleaning up, then went to bed. And then I had my first labor pain. We rode to the hospital on a motorcycle because our other cars had been in the water. What a fun and freaky memory!
Anyway, Angelle and I did some sandbagging for our wonderful town last Saturday. I didn't get there as early as I wanted to because we are also dealing with a very sick dog, but I did get there for about an hour. Angelle and her friend showed up around 7:30 a.m. and sandbagged until Noon. I am super proud of those girls for helping out their community!
This: Tonight is a "black moon". Said to be a rare occasion, the black moon occurs when there are two new moons in one month. Kind of like a blue moon, except the new moon, not the full one. It seems fitting since it is the first night for the haunted houses to be open and the first night for me to be reading fortunes in the gypsy wagon. Freaky.
Stay freaky today. Come to the gypsy wagon tonight. I'd love to see you and read your cards!