Friday, September 23, 2016

Freaky Friday

It's finally Friday!  What's freaky?

This: This beautiful, gorgeous, rainy, stormy, freaky weather.  I confess, this is my kind of weather.  My pet duck likes it, too!  Wednesday night, Mother Nature put on a spectacularly freaky  light show in the north.  I had to take a walk and get a couple photos and even videotape a little bit of it.

This: American Horror Story season 6.  Two episodes in and I like it. There was a lot of mystery surrounding the theme this year.  It's about the mystery of Roanoke, the lost colony.  I've heard several complaints about it.  Watchers thought the first episode was lame, but I'm sure they weren't disappointed with the second.  Delightfully creepy in my opinion.  No Gaga yet, which makes me think her character is going to be extra freaky.  Cuba Gooding Jr.  is great, though, of course!  At any rate, I'm enjoying the weekly Wednesday night scare fest and it is pretty freaky.

This:  Speaking of freaky shows, Angelle and I took advantage of a free Tuesday evening, a $10 reward on my Marcus Theatres reward card, and $5 Tuesday movie night and saw the new "Blair Witch" movie Tuesday night.  It was pretty good, with many uncomfortable moments.  Spoiler alert, I'm going to discuss our most disturbing parts now.  For Angelle it was when one of the characters pulled a large centipede (at least that's what we thought it was) out of a wound in her leg and for me, it was the several minutes of the main character crawling through a very small tunnel.  My claustrophobic self could hardly stand it.  Of course, we hated the ending.  And I'll now be waiting for the sequel to the sequel.

This:  Yesterday was Mabon, the Autumnal Equinox.  What did you do to celebrate?  I'm glad it's finally fall.  My favorite time of year.  Halloween is coming in just 39 days, I think.  Freaky.  In Japan, it's traditional to honor one's ancestors at the time of the equinox.  We will be doing just that on October 30, as part of our Halloween celebration, at the Cedar Valley Silent Supper.  We are taking reservations now.  Contact us if you're interested in attending!

This:  Yesterday, during Mabon, the power in most of the state went out.  Of course, this occurred during school hours before lunch.  That's always exciting!  Kudos to our school district and the district where my girls attend on handling it extremely well.  Still, Mabon was kind of a freaky day.

And finally, this:  Cedar Falls cancelled school for today and Waterloo is getting out an hour early because of the potential for flooding.  This is a first for me since my oldest daughter has been in school. Never has there been a "flood day" before.  Of course, my girls were thrilled and the rest of the household besides myself kind of went into "party mode" last night.  Freaky.  But seriously, I hope everyone in Iowa stays safe when the river crests.  Freaky weather!

Stay freaky but safe my friends.  This weather is for the ducks. That's what my duck says, anyway.

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