Wow!! What a weekend!! We set out early Saturday morning to go to the great Iowa State Fair. Angelle performed for the Bill Riley Talent Search and I'm happy to say she advanced to the semi-final round. She will perform again on Thursday, so wish her luck.
While we were enjoying all the wonderful things the state fair has to offer, unspeakable things were happening elsewhere in the country. Hateful things. I supposed I was lucky to be unplugged for a day. I have since caught up. I condemn white supremacy, I condemn acts of hate, I condemn violence. I am saddened that we seem to be on the brink of a civil war. I really don't have much else to say about it. Just know that I detest the current climate of racism and hate in our country. I'll be banishing negativity and praying for change.
Last week my Amorphophallus Konjac was delivered. The other name for this plant is "Voodoo Lily" although that name is also given to other similar plants. I have, however, named her Marie Laveau, after the famous voodoo queen. I thought I was just going to receive a tuber, but I received a lovely, very healthy plant. Since she won't survive an Iowa winter, she is currently in a pot outdoors and will come inside once it gets cold. If you're not sure what this is, she is related to the "Corpse Flower" which recently bloomed in Des Moines. Yes, she will be stinky and draw flies. My plan for next spring is to make a grave shaped plot for her with a headstone that says "Here Lies Marie Laveau". I also ordered a "Dracularis", aka voodoo lily or dracula plant. It's another one of the stinky variety. That one will also be in a grave shaped flower bed with a headstone that says "Here Lies County Dracula". With our new dog, Misty, they will have to be fenced in, so I'm thinking it will look like a little cemetery. So fun!!
KD and I recently auditioned for "Wrinkle in Time" at the Black Hawk Children's Theatre. I am happy to say that we were both cast. I am going to play the part of Mrs. Whatsit, and KD is going to play the part of Mrs. Which. We are both witches of a sort in this play, but are really inter-dimensional beings. KD is basically my boss. She is going to love that!
Angelle will sing again at the State Fair on Thursday. Then on Friday she is moving into her dorm at college. If she advances to the final round at the State Fair, she will have to come back on Sunday to perform. I figure I will probably bring her back with me on Saturday so she's here and ready to go. Please send positive vibes her way for a great performance on Thursday. And if you're at the state fair that day, stop by between 1:00 and 1:30. She should be performing anytime in there.
In the wake of all the hate, violence and negativity that is going on in our country at this moment, please do what you can to help turn the energy around. Perform a random act of kindness. Hold the door for someone. Pay for the person in line behind you at Starbucks. Adopt a dog or a cat. Donate to the Humane Society. Do whatever you can, my friends, and never lose the faith. Together we can make America "kind" again.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Witchy Wednesday
Happy Witchy Wednesday!! Today my Amorphophallus Konjac plant arrived. It's a very witchy plant to arrive on Witchy Wednesday. If you don't know what it is, it's related to the famous "Corpse Flower" and is also known as a "Voodoo Flower". That being said, I have named her "Marie Laveau", after the famous voodoo queen.
I found a site with some very cool gothic attire. Heavy Red Couture has some wonderful handmade hats, cool costumes, elegant and spooky dresses, and some awesome jewelry as well. You should really check it out! Some of their regular priced items can be a bit high, over $100, but they have some sale categories that are more affordable!
Here is one of their handmade hats. "Alice" themed. I love it!
You will need a dress to go with that awesome "Alice" hat. How about this one?
Or maybe you prefer this one?
Do you go swimming in the summer? When my girls were young, I did quite a bit, but now, I'd just as soon not! But if I did, I'd wear one of these great gothic swimsuits!
I especially like the one piece suit. Very elegant and a throw back to the 40's era.

I love the drama of a cape, and with the skull on the back, this one is especially appealing.
I mentioned the sale categories. Here are a couple lovelies that are on sale. I love them both and either one would be perfect for the Cedar Valley Silent Supper.
There's so much more to see at Heavy Red Couture. Be sure to go check them out later!!
Stay witchy, my darklings!!
I found a site with some very cool gothic attire. Heavy Red Couture has some wonderful handmade hats, cool costumes, elegant and spooky dresses, and some awesome jewelry as well. You should really check it out! Some of their regular priced items can be a bit high, over $100, but they have some sale categories that are more affordable!

Or maybe you prefer this one?

I especially like the one piece suit. Very elegant and a throw back to the 40's era.

I love the drama of a cape, and with the skull on the back, this one is especially appealing.

There's so much more to see at Heavy Red Couture. Be sure to go check them out later!!
Stay witchy, my darklings!!
Monday, August 7, 2017
Monday Musings
Here we are with another Monday. Angelle only has two more Mondays (including today) at home before she spends her first Monday at college. Wow. I woke up with a bit of anxiety today. State Fair, moving day for her, more State Fair, then school. Time is flying by right now.
Also, that magical Monday which is Angelle's first Monday attending college classes is the day of the Great American Solar Eclipse. I'm a bit excited about the event, but a bit anxious about it, too. First of all, this is the sort of thing my family really enjoys experiencing, but unfortunately, we will all be in different places when it happens. It's my first day of teacher preparation for school to start (aka a lot of meetings) and I'm really counting on my administration to let everyone go outside during the eclipse. I mean, come on, it doesn't happen very often and I ordered solar eclipse viewing glasses.
I learned a couple interesting things about this eclipse. First of all, did you know that this eclipse is a part of Saros 145? No eclipse stands alone and this one coming up is an eclipse cycle with 77 solar eclipses repeating every 18 years, 11 days. Okay, so if you're into numerology at all, you will see many significant numbers in there. I mean "The Great American Eclipse" is part of number 145? And who wants to "Make America Great Again"?? Yep. Number 45. I doubt I have to go into the significance of the numbers 77 and 11. I thought that was all a bit interesting. Also, this is eclipse number 22 of the cycle of 77. Hmmm. Many double digit numbers in there. Also, did you know that #45 was born during a lunar eclipse? Astrologers say this makes him much more susceptible to the power of eclipses.
Also, why is this eclipse called the "Great American Eclipse"? Because it is primarily just America that will experience the total solar eclipse. That's right, fellow Americans, this one is focused on us. Just for fun, read what astrologers have to say about this. It is speculated that this eclipse has much to do with bringing about the changes America is currently involved in, primarily a huge division. Some astrologers say that this eclipse will bring destruction for #45. Others say it will seal the division which is quickly approaching in America.
Okay, so hang in there with me for awhile here while I explore that some more. This particular eclipse is a bit meaningful for me because it occurs two days before my 53rd birthday. I was born on the cusp between Leo and Virgo, but feel as though I identify with Leo more. This eclipse is occurring in Leo, which is rising in Trump's chart (it's not his sun sign, but rising). I am no astrologist, so I can't speak to all of these astrological things I am sharing with you or what they mean exactly. The lion is the symbol for Leo, and so the sign represents rulers and kings (and queens). At the moment that he was born, astrologically speaking, certain degrees were activated. This eclipse is activating those same degrees. When astrologers consider this and other aspects of the eclipse, they expect some kind of downfall for #45.
So, what do you think? Does the Great American Eclipse have any particular meaning or is it simply a very cool scientific phenomenon? Will you be watching the eclipse with special eclipse glasses? Will you have anything special planned to mark the event? Let me know in the comments.
Also, before I go for today, remember that tonight is the full moon for August. This particular full moon is supposed to be a good one for "letting things go". So, if you do any sort of full moon ritual, make it an opportunity to let those things go that are no longer working for you.
Also, that magical Monday which is Angelle's first Monday attending college classes is the day of the Great American Solar Eclipse. I'm a bit excited about the event, but a bit anxious about it, too. First of all, this is the sort of thing my family really enjoys experiencing, but unfortunately, we will all be in different places when it happens. It's my first day of teacher preparation for school to start (aka a lot of meetings) and I'm really counting on my administration to let everyone go outside during the eclipse. I mean, come on, it doesn't happen very often and I ordered solar eclipse viewing glasses.
I learned a couple interesting things about this eclipse. First of all, did you know that this eclipse is a part of Saros 145? No eclipse stands alone and this one coming up is an eclipse cycle with 77 solar eclipses repeating every 18 years, 11 days. Okay, so if you're into numerology at all, you will see many significant numbers in there. I mean "The Great American Eclipse" is part of number 145? And who wants to "Make America Great Again"?? Yep. Number 45. I doubt I have to go into the significance of the numbers 77 and 11. I thought that was all a bit interesting. Also, this is eclipse number 22 of the cycle of 77. Hmmm. Many double digit numbers in there. Also, did you know that #45 was born during a lunar eclipse? Astrologers say this makes him much more susceptible to the power of eclipses.
Also, why is this eclipse called the "Great American Eclipse"? Because it is primarily just America that will experience the total solar eclipse. That's right, fellow Americans, this one is focused on us. Just for fun, read what astrologers have to say about this. It is speculated that this eclipse has much to do with bringing about the changes America is currently involved in, primarily a huge division. Some astrologers say that this eclipse will bring destruction for #45. Others say it will seal the division which is quickly approaching in America.
Okay, so hang in there with me for awhile here while I explore that some more. This particular eclipse is a bit meaningful for me because it occurs two days before my 53rd birthday. I was born on the cusp between Leo and Virgo, but feel as though I identify with Leo more. This eclipse is occurring in Leo, which is rising in Trump's chart (it's not his sun sign, but rising). I am no astrologist, so I can't speak to all of these astrological things I am sharing with you or what they mean exactly. The lion is the symbol for Leo, and so the sign represents rulers and kings (and queens). At the moment that he was born, astrologically speaking, certain degrees were activated. This eclipse is activating those same degrees. When astrologers consider this and other aspects of the eclipse, they expect some kind of downfall for #45.
So, what do you think? Does the Great American Eclipse have any particular meaning or is it simply a very cool scientific phenomenon? Will you be watching the eclipse with special eclipse glasses? Will you have anything special planned to mark the event? Let me know in the comments.
Also, before I go for today, remember that tonight is the full moon for August. This particular full moon is supposed to be a good one for "letting things go". So, if you do any sort of full moon ritual, make it an opportunity to let those things go that are no longer working for you.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Witchy Wednesday
It's Witchy Wednesday and I get to have tea with three of my favorite witches at the "Tea Cellar" today. Of course, I plan to wear black.
On Saturday, KD and I attended the Cedar Rapids Psychic and Paranormal Expo. We had a blast looking at all the great stuff and checking out the different types of readings. I got a couple of very unique items.
This is a dead fairy. She currently has a home in my car. Do not leave your fairies in your car on a hot day or this is what can happen.
We probably spent the most time and had the most fun at "Zhanna's Jewels" booth. Here is the incredibly cool thing I purchased at her booth:

It's one of those old tea reading cups, which she perched on a velvet pillow in a really cool antique box. The box is decorated with old Lenormand cards. So perfect for me. I absolutely love it and it is currently one of my favorite magickal items.
Zhanna has a facebook page. She is located right here in the Cedar Valley, in Waterloo. I strongly recomend liking her page and checking out all the cool stuff she has made. I have also heard that she will be at the "Pear Fair" this year, too, on September 16th. As I said before, this year's "Pear Fair" is going to be a very magickal one. You won't want to miss it! On Facebook find "Zhanna's Jewels" and give her page a like. Then have fun browsing.
I decided to give you a little preview of some of my favorite items she has made. Some of these I saw in person at the expo on Saturday. Some of these are new or different. Most of her stuff is one of a kind. '
First of all, here is Zhanna herself. I believe this is what she wore to the "Witch's Walk" in Cedar Falls last October. She's wearing one of her crowns that she makes. Looking good, Zhanna.
This rabbit in a dome thing is neat.

And it lights up!!
In fact, many of her very interesting decorative items light up. I really want a creepy doll head lamp. I actually had to choose between this light and the tea cup. The tea cup seemed like it was designed with me in mind, so that's what I went with. If one of these is available at the Pear Fair, though, I might have to get one.

Speaking of dolls, I love this Steampunk cutie.
Zhanna is kind of famous for her copper crowns. I have one I bought a few years ago that I usually wear in the Gypsy Wagon. I loved this one at the Expo. She said she had to "de-horn" five unicorns to make it.
Here are a few other items that Zhanna has created. I especially love the cell phone/remote holder. The stone circles created for healing are also very nice. I once had a black feather pen she had
made. I used it at school until a student was admiring it and ended
up snapping it in two. It might be time for me to get another one.

Why are you still here? Go check out Zhanna's facebook page. Mark September 16th on your calendar. You won't want to miss this year's very magickal Pear Fair on College Hill.
Stay witchy and go have tea with some witches. See you on Friday for Freaky Friday.

On Saturday, KD and I attended the Cedar Rapids Psychic and Paranormal Expo. We had a blast looking at all the great stuff and checking out the different types of readings. I got a couple of very unique items.

We probably spent the most time and had the most fun at "Zhanna's Jewels" booth. Here is the incredibly cool thing I purchased at her booth:

It's one of those old tea reading cups, which she perched on a velvet pillow in a really cool antique box. The box is decorated with old Lenormand cards. So perfect for me. I absolutely love it and it is currently one of my favorite magickal items.
Zhanna has a facebook page. She is located right here in the Cedar Valley, in Waterloo. I strongly recomend liking her page and checking out all the cool stuff she has made. I have also heard that she will be at the "Pear Fair" this year, too, on September 16th. As I said before, this year's "Pear Fair" is going to be a very magickal one. You won't want to miss it! On Facebook find "Zhanna's Jewels" and give her page a like. Then have fun browsing.
I decided to give you a little preview of some of my favorite items she has made. Some of these I saw in person at the expo on Saturday. Some of these are new or different. Most of her stuff is one of a kind. '

And it lights up!!

Speaking of dolls, I love this Steampunk cutie.

Here are a few other items that Zhanna has created. I especially love the cell phone/remote holder. The stone circles created for healing are also very nice. I once had a black feather pen she had
made. I used it at school until a student was admiring it and ended
up snapping it in two. It might be time for me to get another one.

Why are you still here? Go check out Zhanna's facebook page. Mark September 16th on your calendar. You won't want to miss this year's very magickal Pear Fair on College Hill.
Stay witchy and go have tea with some witches. See you on Friday for Freaky Friday.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Tarot Tuesday, 8/1/17

In this card, the chalice is being held out to you and you are being invited to reach out and drink from it. This is symbolic of emotional and spiritual fulfillment. You are coming to a stage where fulfillment is possible. Accepting that fulfillment is up to you, however. Will you drink from the chalice or will you pass it up?
This is a card of love, but also a card of creative expression, which is where I am going to focus my interpretation. You may find yourself being very open to expressing your emotions. Now is a good time to let them shine through in an artistic endeavor. What better expression of your emotions than through a work of art, some music, poetry, or a dramatic production.
This is a generous card. You are coming into a time of giving, not taking. Look for an opportunity to help others and take advantage of that opportunity. You will find yourself in a position to help bring happiness to others. You have an abundance of positive energy. Share it with others. Karma will bring it right back to you.
The Ace of Cups indicates new life. This can be taken literally (such as a pregnancy or birth) or metaphorically, as in a new creative project or artistic endeavor. So, get busy and act on your new inspiration. Create, create, then create some more. Now is the time.
Monday, July 31, 2017
Monday Musings
Whoah, what's this? A blog post? It's been like forever since I've posted!!
So what inspired me to start posting again? A few things. Halloween is getting closer. Okay, so still about 92 or so days away, but I swear I can feel it. KD and I went to the Cedar Rapids Paranormal and Psychic Expo on Saturday. Someone left me a bag of bones on my doorstep. I found out I will be a vendor at the Pear Fair in September. All these things and more made me think it's time to blog again. I'm not sure why I took a break in the first place. I think there was just so much going on and so much to think about, I didn't feel like I had the time.
So, what's new? I'm learning to read the bones. At the paranormal expo, KD and I each chose a different reader to get a reading from. I chose to have a bone reading. I enjoyed it so much that I was inspired to learn the art myself. So, in addition to Lenormand readings at the Pear Fair, I will also be reading the bones. If you're curious about it, please stop by. I have a really great feeling about it. KD has been making some wands to sell and I am putting together some smudging kits. We may have some other fun witchy odds and ends to sell there as well.
In addition, my dear friends, Shelby and DuRaae Davis will be vendors at the Pear Fair. They will be selling some of their beautiful hand made items from their shop "To Our Moon and Back" and Shelby will be offering a few different types of readings. Lithomancy (stones) and tarot for sure. This is going to be a very magickal Pear Fair!
It's also time to start planning the 3rd Annual Cedar Valley Silent Supper. This is a great event for honoring your ancestors or connecting with a loved one who has passed on. It is not a seance. If you're unfamiliar with what this event is, you can check out my facebook page by the same name, or look up "dumb supper" on google for more historical information. I'll be settling on a date and venue soon.
I've missed blogging. I'm happy to be back. Tomorrow I will draw a tarot card and interpret it's meaning. Wednesday I'll find some awesome witchy products to blog about. Friday, I'll write about freaky stuff. I'm very excited!! What's new with you? Check back tomorrow to see what the tarot has to say to you.
So what inspired me to start posting again? A few things. Halloween is getting closer. Okay, so still about 92 or so days away, but I swear I can feel it. KD and I went to the Cedar Rapids Paranormal and Psychic Expo on Saturday. Someone left me a bag of bones on my doorstep. I found out I will be a vendor at the Pear Fair in September. All these things and more made me think it's time to blog again. I'm not sure why I took a break in the first place. I think there was just so much going on and so much to think about, I didn't feel like I had the time.
So, what's new? I'm learning to read the bones. At the paranormal expo, KD and I each chose a different reader to get a reading from. I chose to have a bone reading. I enjoyed it so much that I was inspired to learn the art myself. So, in addition to Lenormand readings at the Pear Fair, I will also be reading the bones. If you're curious about it, please stop by. I have a really great feeling about it. KD has been making some wands to sell and I am putting together some smudging kits. We may have some other fun witchy odds and ends to sell there as well.
In addition, my dear friends, Shelby and DuRaae Davis will be vendors at the Pear Fair. They will be selling some of their beautiful hand made items from their shop "To Our Moon and Back" and Shelby will be offering a few different types of readings. Lithomancy (stones) and tarot for sure. This is going to be a very magickal Pear Fair!
It's also time to start planning the 3rd Annual Cedar Valley Silent Supper. This is a great event for honoring your ancestors or connecting with a loved one who has passed on. It is not a seance. If you're unfamiliar with what this event is, you can check out my facebook page by the same name, or look up "dumb supper" on google for more historical information. I'll be settling on a date and venue soon.
I've missed blogging. I'm happy to be back. Tomorrow I will draw a tarot card and interpret it's meaning. Wednesday I'll find some awesome witchy products to blog about. Friday, I'll write about freaky stuff. I'm very excited!! What's new with you? Check back tomorrow to see what the tarot has to say to you.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Monday Musings

It's been quite the 2017 so far, hasn't it?
There's so much to discuss and talk about, and I also don't want to anger any of my readers by being too political. Today, however, it might be good to discuss that mass binding spell that's been going around.
There seems to be much confusion about this spell. Maybe I can clear some things up and offer my own opinions on the working. First, it is a BINDING spell. It is not a hex. It is intended to prevent Donald Trump and his administration from doing any harm. My philosophy on bindings is that binding someone from doing harm is a win win for everyone. And if he is not going to do any harm, anyway, then this binding spell can't possibly hurt him. So, relax. It's really not something you have to get in a panic about. Unless, that is, you WANT him to do some harm.
That being said, there is some wording in the ritual that I personally have some issues with. It does use the word "fail", asking the spirits and angels to make Trump "fail", in the beginning of the spell. To me that seems to negate the rest of the binding which simply asks to keep him from doing harm. Perhaps it would be better worded to say that he should fail at doing any harm. I think that is the intention, but it didn't get worded that way. Second, the spell calls on the "demons of the infernal realms" as well as heavenly hosts and spirits of the ancestors. Okay, so leave the "demon" part out of it if that bothers you. Third, the instructions say to perform the binding on the waning crescent moon every month until he is removed from office. This is a part of the spell that infuriates some Trump supporters. "Removed from office". I just said it was a binding spell meant to just prevent him from doing harm and that's it. Yet, it is calling for it to be performed until he is removed from the office. Whether you would like him removed from office or not, I believe the primary purpose of this binding should stick to making sure he does no harm.
So, what do I suggest? I suggest that if you want to perform some sort of ritual on the waning crescent moon of each month, go for it. I strongly suggest that you re-word it and write it to fit your own purposes. I actually discourage directing it at Trump himself, but rather, at those around him (those who abet him). In fact, I would suggest a general "banish negativity" ritual in it's place.
As for the ethics of performing any spell, I think you have to ask yourself what a spell is in the first place. There are many religions and many gods who are worshipped in these different religions. Do you pray? Praying is essentially a spell. Depending on who you pray to, you might be asking for a particular result or you might just be thanking the higher power for your blessings. Some people might pray for Trump to be removed from office. Some people might have prayed for him to be elected. Some prayed for Hilary to fail. People pray all the time for their own will, for their own intentions. You may not like it, but it's not any different than casting a spell. Did you pray for a raise at work? Did you pray for a promotion? Have you ever prayed for something you really wanted to happen? Just something to think about before you judge the many witches in the world participating in this binding.
This post was not in any way meant to be a political commentary. I am not going to write here about my own political views. I do enough of that on Facebook, believe me! This is a discussion of the spell itself. Do you have opinions about it? Did you participate? Are you strongly opposed? I welcome your comments.
Enjoy the rest of your Monday. Keep it magickal.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Tarot Tuesday 2/14/17 Valentine's Edition
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Only 260 more days until Halloween!
Before I draw today's tarot card, I have something to talk about. This last Saturday, KD and I went to the Cedar Bend Humane Society for their special Valentine adoption day. We lost our dear Shadow on Christmas Eve to kidney and heart problems. We miss her dearly. It was time to get another dog, and this one was to be KD's. Long story short, we ended up adopting a wonderful 5 year old Bull Terrier Mix named "Misty". She is sweet and calm and very gentle. KD and Misty are madly in love with each other. It felt good to adopt an older dog who needed a home and she and KD had an immediate bond. I learned a few things throughout the process. Misty's breed is among those referred to as "Pit Bulls" which have a bad reputation. This dog is the gentlest and kindest. She is so sweet to KD and loves snuggling with her. There are wonderful dogs at the shelter. When you are ready for a new dog or cat, please consider going there first. Misty is already housebroken, well trained, and because she is past her puppy stage, she is calm. Also, if you don't want a dog who barks too much, did you know that Bull Terrier's rarely bark? We have only heard one "woof" from Misty so far and it was when she heard something outside.
And now, on with your Valentine's Day tarot card draw. Let's hope it's a good one!
Today's card drawn is the Five of Pentacles.
What an interesting card to be drawn today of all days!
Since it is Valentine's Day, I'll clue you in on what it means regarding your love life. The Five of Pentacles is telling you that there is a wonderful opportunity in front of you that you are not looking at. There is someone who is generous and loving who is trying to tell you that they would like to be a part of your life, but you are busy looking elsewhere. You are ignoring this person, probably because you think someone else is the better option. This card is telling you to not lose faith. You should look for the less obvious opportunities that are right in front of you. They can lead you to a very happy situation.
If you study the illustration on the card, you see that the family is poor, cold, and that they look concerned and worried. However, there is a very warm and bright light coming through the stained glass window. This light represents hope and faith. It also represents the warmth of promise should this family choose to step outside the walls they are currently confined within. If things seem rather bleak to you at the moment, step outside of your comfort zone. Do not lose hope. There are bright and wonderful things coming your way. In fact, they are probably already there, but you are choosing not to see them. The happiness you seek is right in front of you. You just have to look in the less obvious places.
So, look around you today. Who is there for you? Who (or what) are you ignoring? What will bring you true happiness? It is not always what you think it will be. Wishing you all the love, warmth and joy this Valentine's Day.
Only 260 more days until Halloween!

Today's card drawn is the Five of Pentacles.
What an interesting card to be drawn today of all days!
Since it is Valentine's Day, I'll clue you in on what it means regarding your love life. The Five of Pentacles is telling you that there is a wonderful opportunity in front of you that you are not looking at. There is someone who is generous and loving who is trying to tell you that they would like to be a part of your life, but you are busy looking elsewhere. You are ignoring this person, probably because you think someone else is the better option. This card is telling you to not lose faith. You should look for the less obvious opportunities that are right in front of you. They can lead you to a very happy situation.
If you study the illustration on the card, you see that the family is poor, cold, and that they look concerned and worried. However, there is a very warm and bright light coming through the stained glass window. This light represents hope and faith. It also represents the warmth of promise should this family choose to step outside the walls they are currently confined within. If things seem rather bleak to you at the moment, step outside of your comfort zone. Do not lose hope. There are bright and wonderful things coming your way. In fact, they are probably already there, but you are choosing not to see them. The happiness you seek is right in front of you. You just have to look in the less obvious places.
So, look around you today. Who is there for you? Who (or what) are you ignoring? What will bring you true happiness? It is not always what you think it will be. Wishing you all the love, warmth and joy this Valentine's Day.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Monday Musings
It's been a very long time since I've blogged. The reason is because I've been on a fabulously crazy adventure called "The Rocky Horror Show". You may recall from back in December that I auditioned for this show at the Waterloo Community Playhouse and was cast as the narrator. I never would have guessed at the time how much fun this was going to be and how much I would learn from being in this show.
First of all, my next door neighbor (for about two years) was cast as Dr. Frankenfurter. We really didn't know each other before this. We have so much in common that I wonder why we didn't connect prior to this show? We would wave at each other, sure, or say the odd "hello", but that was it. I've learned that perhaps I need to reach out more, especially to neighbors. I really should know who lives next door to me!
Secondly, I've watched this cast go on a marvelous journey about appreciating their own bodies. I have to admit, when I first tried on my tight red dress, I loved the dress, but not necessarily how I looked in it. So, I started doing some ab workouts and bought some spanx. But as I looked around me at the cast of Rocky Horror, I realized they were having to reveal much more of themselves than I was and that they were doing it freely and confidently. And you know what? They are all beautiful. Why should anyone ever be ashamed of how they look? Our flaws might not be flaws, after all. So, in my less than perfect 52 year old body, I go out on that stage in a tight red dress and have a blast without apology. As one of my amazing cast mates said "I will NOT be embracing my flaws in 2017, because I'm not the one that decided they were flaws to begin with."
20 years ago, I never would have thought I would be out on stage engaging in some rather naughty banter with an audience that wasn't completely scripted. When the director first told me he wanted me to do some stand up comedian type back and forth exchange with the audience, I had some moments of panic. That was a bit beyond my comfort zone. Breaking the 4th wall and yet staying in character and saying my scripted lines is challenging, but I am absolutely loving it. I'm having a blast playing with the audience during every performance.
Accompanying me on this journey has been my daughter, Angelle. We've had many adventures together, including attending Sissy's Sircus (a burlesque show which I have attended for several years in a row with my dear friend, Kristin) together, watching a drag show (for which our cast performed during intermission to promote the show), and Angelle being a Rocky Horror "groupie", helping out in the audience with saying the right lines at the right times and dressing up like a different character (including mine) every night she has attended. In fact, I've had so much excellent quality time with Angelle lately, I am realizing that once this show is over, I'm going to need to spend a lot of quality time with the non-groupie, 12 year old KD. I'm looking forward to the adventures she and I will have.
I just can't express what a fabulous experience being in Rocky Horror has been so far. We have four more shows coming up this weekend. If you didn't get a chance to see it yet, I strongly encourage you to. Get your tickets by calling 319-291-4494 or going to . I guarantee you won't regret it. Remember, this is a show appropriate for ages 16 on up. Hope to be able to "play" with you in the audience soon.
First of all, my next door neighbor (for about two years) was cast as Dr. Frankenfurter. We really didn't know each other before this. We have so much in common that I wonder why we didn't connect prior to this show? We would wave at each other, sure, or say the odd "hello", but that was it. I've learned that perhaps I need to reach out more, especially to neighbors. I really should know who lives next door to me!
Secondly, I've watched this cast go on a marvelous journey about appreciating their own bodies. I have to admit, when I first tried on my tight red dress, I loved the dress, but not necessarily how I looked in it. So, I started doing some ab workouts and bought some spanx. But as I looked around me at the cast of Rocky Horror, I realized they were having to reveal much more of themselves than I was and that they were doing it freely and confidently. And you know what? They are all beautiful. Why should anyone ever be ashamed of how they look? Our flaws might not be flaws, after all. So, in my less than perfect 52 year old body, I go out on that stage in a tight red dress and have a blast without apology. As one of my amazing cast mates said "I will NOT be embracing my flaws in 2017, because I'm not the one that decided they were flaws to begin with."
20 years ago, I never would have thought I would be out on stage engaging in some rather naughty banter with an audience that wasn't completely scripted. When the director first told me he wanted me to do some stand up comedian type back and forth exchange with the audience, I had some moments of panic. That was a bit beyond my comfort zone. Breaking the 4th wall and yet staying in character and saying my scripted lines is challenging, but I am absolutely loving it. I'm having a blast playing with the audience during every performance.
Accompanying me on this journey has been my daughter, Angelle. We've had many adventures together, including attending Sissy's Sircus (a burlesque show which I have attended for several years in a row with my dear friend, Kristin) together, watching a drag show (for which our cast performed during intermission to promote the show), and Angelle being a Rocky Horror "groupie", helping out in the audience with saying the right lines at the right times and dressing up like a different character (including mine) every night she has attended. In fact, I've had so much excellent quality time with Angelle lately, I am realizing that once this show is over, I'm going to need to spend a lot of quality time with the non-groupie, 12 year old KD. I'm looking forward to the adventures she and I will have.
I just can't express what a fabulous experience being in Rocky Horror has been so far. We have four more shows coming up this weekend. If you didn't get a chance to see it yet, I strongly encourage you to. Get your tickets by calling 319-291-4494 or going to . I guarantee you won't regret it. Remember, this is a show appropriate for ages 16 on up. Hope to be able to "play" with you in the audience soon.
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