In this card, the chalice is being held out to you and you are being invited to reach out and drink from it. This is symbolic of emotional and spiritual fulfillment. You are coming to a stage where fulfillment is possible. Accepting that fulfillment is up to you, however. Will you drink from the chalice or will you pass it up?
This is a card of love, but also a card of creative expression, which is where I am going to focus my interpretation. You may find yourself being very open to expressing your emotions. Now is a good time to let them shine through in an artistic endeavor. What better expression of your emotions than through a work of art, some music, poetry, or a dramatic production.
This is a generous card. You are coming into a time of giving, not taking. Look for an opportunity to help others and take advantage of that opportunity. You will find yourself in a position to help bring happiness to others. You have an abundance of positive energy. Share it with others. Karma will bring it right back to you.
The Ace of Cups indicates new life. This can be taken literally (such as a pregnancy or birth) or metaphorically, as in a new creative project or artistic endeavor. So, get busy and act on your new inspiration. Create, create, then create some more. Now is the time.
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