Friday, April 24, 2020

Freaky Friday - 4/24/20

We made it to another Friday during Coronavirus Lockdown.  Are you keeping track of days?  Fridays are actually kind of busy for me right now.  I've already had two Zoom meetings and in about 45 minutes I will participate in a ukulele jam via Zoom as well. 

So, what's freaky today?  First of all, don't go drinking disinfectant or worse, injecting it!  I know you know what I'm talking about unless you just don't listen to the news or do any social media at all.  Just don't.  It might kill the Covid-19 virus, but I daresay, it will also kill you!!  So don't.  Okay, so that in itself is freaky enough, but that's not all I'm going to talk about today!

This is great.  There is a Coronavirus museum challenge for museums to post images of their creepiest items in their collection.  You can see them all here:  Creepy Museum Challenge.  I do want to post a few highlights from this challenge. 

This is from the Yorkshire Museum.  It's the hair bun from the 3/4th century burial of a Roman lady with the hairpins still in place.  This is the museum that started the challenge.

This is a sheep's heart with nails stuck in it. It's from around 1911 and was used to "break evil curses".  It was sent into the challenge by Dan Hicks. 

This Donald Duck plague mask was sent in by the Deutsches Historisches Museum.  It's from 1650/1750.  That is a super creepy plague mask.  Can you imagine someone walking around with one of those on?

For more creepy goodness, check out the link I posted above to see the whole article.  What a freaky idea. 

What else is freaky?  How about some freaky Instagram accounts.  I happen to know this person pretty well, but check out her Instagram.  She posts a lot of freaky stuff.   Little Satan Child

Here's another freaky Instagram account.  Secrets of The Occult

Last night I went on a virtual ghost hunt with "Matthew's Haunted Pub Crawl" on facebook.  He did a facebook live tour through a Galena cemetery.  He had dowsing rods, EMF, and we had a lot of fun with the spirit box (one of my favorite ghost hunting tools).  It made me realize how much I miss ghost hunting and a couple of us are planning on doing something similar sometime in the near future.  Don't worry.  I'll keep you posted. 

I'll leave you freaky readers with this today.  A 30 year old woman in Canada was walking along when she was shot in the chest.  She suffered only a fractured rib.  What saved her?  Her breast implant.  Seriously.  It deflected the bullet which otherwise would have likely killed her.  I'm sure she's thankful for having made that decision!  Don't judge people for their choices.  You never know how those choices might save them in the end.  That's freaky. 

Enjoy your Freaky Friday, freaks.  If you'd like to listen to a couple fun and freaky true ghost stories from Iowa, check out Ghoulsass Podcast's latest episode on Spotify or Anchor. Ghoulsass Podcast Check back here Monday for my Monday Musings and have a great weekend.

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