Happy Witchy Wednesday, Darklings. So, let's be honest. How many of you are dressing up in witchy attire to check the mail? Take out the trash? Walk your dog? It's a great time to shop online and there are some great sites out there. I've been wanting a cloak, and I finally ordered one from a wonderful site that has beautiful Renaissance, Boho, and other cool threads. Check out Holy Clothing to see the very cool cloaks, dresses, tops, and more. Here are a few highlights.
Tunic with hood - check out this beautiful tunic with hood. I would love to wear this one walking my dog.
Cloak - remember I said I ordered a cloak? This is the one. But definitely check out this extremely witchy one they have. NYX Cloak - isn't that just divine? Have fun browsing all the rest of the cool stuff on their site.
Plague Doctor Masks - do you have a Plague Doctor Mask yet? I confess that I don't, but I really want one. I can just imagine walking my dog through the neighborhood wearing the full Plague Doctor garb. Well, if you click on the link, this site is specifically for Plague Doctor Masks. They might be a bit expensive, but I'm a firm believer in quality. They also sell a pattern in case you want to make your own for all you crafty witches out there.
Let's talk about masks and gloves. If you have to go out in public right now, you definitely should be wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth and gloves. It's a great time to be creatively stylish. I ordered some super cute, screen sensitive, summer gloves from Amazon. I've also ordered a couple different witchy face masks. Calaveras Coffin Company is one of my favorite go to places for witchy stuff. She sells some of the cutest spooky things. She recently came across a Ouija mask that says "Go Away", and a Jackolantern mask. I have pre-ordered the Ouija print one. I also ordered a couple of cool masks on Etsy. One with spiders and another with some mystical print.

So, if you see this incredibly stylish witch walking her dog in the evening, with a witchy facemask, cute summer gloves, and this amazing hat, be sure to wave. From at least 6 feet away, please.
Speaking of gloves, if you use cloth gloves like me, make sure you wash them regularly. I also spray them with disinfectant or use hand sanitizer on them when I'm not able to wash them right away. My daughter has vintage gloves we managed to buy from my favorite local vintage shop, Mohair Pear, the day they closed for the pandemic. Keep an eye on them, though, as this pandemic can't last forever, and I will be right back shopping from them once they re-open. If you don't want to mess with washing gloves, you can always go with disposable, and that doesn't have to be boring, either.
So may possibilities, especially for you creative witches. I hope today's Witchy Wednesday post finds you healthy, happy, and doing things that make your heart and soul soar. If you aren't already, be sure to follow the Cedar Valley Witch Society page on Facebook. We are having a Zoom meet up tonight! Would love to have you join us. Find the link on the facebook page. Stay witchy and check back here Friday for "Freaky Friday".
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