Here we are at the beginning of another week. Today's topic? RANDONAUTING.
On Saturday, my daughter, Angelle, texted me asking me if I knew what randonauting is. I did not. She then went on to explain a little bit. Randonauting is basically using bot to generate a random location for you to go visit and explore. There is also this idea that one's consciousness can affect the randomness and interact with the numbers being generated. This means that you can set an intention or two (or more) for what you want to find, discover, or see on your journey, and that intention will affect the outcome. There is a lot more to it, such as voids and attractors. This has to do with the type of location you go to and how many randomizer points it has. This is where it gets a bit complicated for me, and I admit, I don't fully understand it. But basically voids are supposed to be a bit creepier and attractors are more chaotic. That's what I understand about it in a nutshell.
To try randonauting, you first download the "Telegram" texting app. In that app, you add @shangrila. Then you have a conversation with shangrila (which is the Fatum-Bot), give it your location, and tell it what kind of location you want to visit, how many intention driven quantum points to include, and stuff like that. The fatum-bot will then generate a location for you and you can then navigate to that spot.
I was all over this idea, so Sunday afternoon I set out randonauting. I set my mental intention to be "whimsy". I like creepy, so I started out with a void. It took me to a highly residential area and to get to the location, which looked like it was out in the middle of a cornfield, I would have had to go through someone's back yard. I decided it was better not to go. It's important to not break laws or trespass while randonauting. I then drove to a church on the other side of the cornfield and thought about getting to the location from there, but I hadn't quite figured out the maps feature of the app yet. It turns out, I actually could have gotten there from the church parking lot by walking. Maybe I'll find that one another time, but then again, since it's very random, maybe not.
I chained my locations this day, meaning that instead of going home and then to another one, I just entered the location I was at at that point to find the next location. There were a couple more spots I just couldn't get to. It appears cornfields are popular random spots with the fatum-bot. So, then I tried an attractor. Much more successful! It took me out to our industrial park area, to a farm equipment business. Since it was Sunday, and of course, Covid-19, there was nobody out there. So, I parked across the street and walked to the exact location, which was a particular piece of farm machinery. Other things I noticed there were birds, including a couple of Canadian geese which were observing me curiously, and numbers on the piece of equipment. You're supposed to take note of numbers you see in case there are any meanings in any of them for you. I took pictures of the numbers I saw and a picture of the piece of equipment as well. From there I tried just a couple more locations with the same result of them being in an inaccessible place.
Let's look at the location that was successful. I did not know what the machinery was or what it did. I will also note that I noticed a couple of grain elevators there, and when I was a child, it was a lot of fun for me to walk up the older style grain elevators that were sitting around on my farm. I remember doing that on one once and when I got to the high end, it started to tip which really freaked me out. It scared me a bit, so I hurried back to the low end to get it back on the ground. I don't know if this is relevant or not, but it's just a detail to include.
Once home, I posted pictures of the equipment to find out what it was. Many people were able to answer, saying it was a part of an auger system. So, from there I went to google it to see exactly what that piece of equipment does. However, when I googled it, I spelled it "augur" instead of "auger", so the definition I got was this. verb. portend a good or bad outcome. noun. (in ancient Rome) a religious official who observed natural signs, especially the behavior of birds, interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action.
They say that often randonauts will find something personally relevant or meaningful on their randonauting journeys. Me misspelling auger when googling it certainly seemed meaningful to me. Since I practice divination using cards, bones, and now also coffee beans, I really appreciated the nod to divination in the definition of "augur". I also was quite drawn to birds on my randonauting journey, and remember I said two Canadian Geese were observing me curiously at that location. I will probably pay even more attention to birds and their behavior now.
So, what do you think? Are you going to try randonauting? I had a lot of fun doing it. Even the locations that didn't work out were fun to drive to. There's a bit of excitement in not knowing where you're going. If this interests you, I encourage you to research it a bit more. There are concepts known as memes, such as the despair meme and the void meme. The despair meme is just a feeling of dread before you go. Yes, I think I definitely experienced a little of this. Sometimes they say the despair meme can actually manifest things happening to prevent you from going, like a phone call or something you need to tend to. The idea is to keep a positive emotional tone as you visit the point, and work to overcome the fear, anxiety and anger that may arise within as you go on your journey.
This was a very fascinating and fun adventure. I definitely will do it again. Did the random location purposely have meaning for me, or did I assign meaning to the randomness? I encourage you to try it, but please be safe when you do. Do not break the law or trespass and if you feel uneasy about your safety in a particular location, don't explore it alone. That reminds me, a lot of people do this with another person or even with a group of people. I can see where this would be a lot of fun to do with other people. Sometimes they even find artifacts. I watched a you tube video of some girls who did this and found old vinyl classical music albums which they took home and played on their turntable. Very interesting stuff. If you do try randonauting, please report back!! You can comment on this post or leave me a message or post at Cedar Valley Witch Society on facebook! I would love to hear about your experiences.
Check back tomorrow for Tarot Tuesday. Have a marvelous Monday!
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