Friday, December 11, 2015

Freaky Friday

Yes!  It's Friday!  What's freaky?

This:  Christmas is just two weeks away. What???  I am so not ready.  But that's okay.  I can do a lot in two weeks!  Give me two hours and I'll be done.  Freaky!

This:  Some people are upset about the Krampus movie, thinking Hollywood is trying to "demonize" Christmas.  Krampus is nothing new.  In fact, the story of Krampus is very, very old and comes from Germany.  It's a fun movie and has a pretty good message.  It's billed as a horror movie and it is.  It's not really intended for children to view and it is freaky!

This:  Sunday, December 13th, is St. Lucy's Day, or the feast of Santa Lucia.  I went to Simpson College and every year before Christmas break, our choir director took us Christmas caroling around town, and then back at his house we had a party featuring a student dressed as Santa Lucia, in a white robe and wearing a crown of candles.  If I remember correctly, she brought a tray of treats in for the party.  St. Lucy comes from Scandinavian origins and was a Christian martyr.  Not coincidentally, her day is celebrated around the time of the Winter Solstice,  Her feast day has become a festival of light since at one time it coincided with the solstice, the shortest day of the year.  I think it's freakishly awesome how there are so many fun customs and celebrations taking place this time of year from all over the world.

This:  Tomorrow, Saturday, December 12th, the UNI Children's Choir will be performing with the WCF Symphony Orchestra on their family concert.  This is freakishly exciting!  We had a dress rehearsal with Jason Weinberger, the symphony conductor, last night.  I am really looking forward to the singers getting to experience singing with a full symphony accompanying them.  It has been fun directing this group this semester, and I look forward to doing it again next semester.

This:  It's December and for us musicians, that means it's a crazy, hectic time of year. This week KD had two concerts.  Tonight we help with the wreath table at the theatre.  Tomorrow is a full day of rehearsals and then the symphony concert, followed by a fun Christmas party we go to every year. Sunday I'm at the mall reading fortunes and selling some original artwork the girls have created. Afterwards the girls have a piano event/party.  Next week KD has yet another concert, this one for band and I also have my own school concert.  So much to do!  After next week, things will settle down a bit and we can just enjoy the joy and peace of Christmas.  Until then, though, it's freaky how busy we are!

What freaky things do you do this time of year to celebrate?  I'd love to hear about it.  Enjoy your freaky Friday and have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Baking! 4X Greatgrandmothers Kolsche (sp) that has been past down and baked every year for Christmas. My son now bakes it for his family. I will save you some! 🎄

  2. Mmm, sounds delicious!! We do like to make sugar cookies and gingerbread men and of course, decorating them is the really fun part.
