The appearance of this card means that you will be successful and will achieve your goals as long as you maintain focus, determination and confidence in your abilities. If you stay focused, you will win this race. There are competitive forces at work as well, so make sure you are doing what is needed to prevail. Sometimes it is the journey, not the destination, and in this case, the pursuit of your goal will be as satisfying as achieving it. Be strong and be in control.
If you are questioning a current project or plan, this card is telling you to persevere. If you have a dilemma, it will be resolved for the time being as long as you are persistent. This card is also telling you to assert yourself and be bold. Have faith in yourself and know who you are and what you stand for.
Do you sometimes feel aggressive? This card can also be telling you to come to terms with your own aggressive impulses. If you simply suppress it, you will only turn it inward on yourself, which could then manifest as physical illness or troubling emotions. Instead, you need to channel your aggression into your creative endeavors. This will give those emotions an outlet so they don't cause you physical harm, and yet prevent you from being aggressive towards others. Show who is the boss and be firm, but don't be aggressive. You need to be in control of yourself first and foremost.
Finally, "The Chariot" can indicate you will be doing a lot of driving or maybe take a road trip. I would imagine with the holidays coming up, this might be the case for many of us. I know it is for me. There is also the chance you might be considering taking a more long-term road trip, perhaps in an RV or going on a cruise.
This is a fun card to receive, especially in the middle of a music teacher's December concert craziness. I hope it helps you today in some way and if you end up taking a trip, I hope it is a safe and enjoyable one. Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday!
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