This card has been drawn for Tarot Tuesday previously in the past. Seeing it again just reinforces the Knight's message.
The Knight of Swords represents great ambition, determination and strength to succeed no matter what. However, in his zest and desire to manifest his dreams, he often overlooks the difficulties and potential challenges and may charge ahead without necessary preparation.
Sometimes when we have an idea and wish to manifest that idea so much, we can be blinded by the desire of the idea itself and fail to see the steps which need to be taken or the obstacles to overcome. We may know those obstacles are there, but actually choose not to see them or acknowledge them.
The message of this card is clear. Don't rush into things and if you are pursuing a new project or idea, make sure you do not cut corners to get it done. If your new project involves making something physical, using low cost providers of materials will get it done quickly and cheaply, but the quality may suffer in the long run. This will actually cost you more time and money in the end. So, take your time with that new project and be patient. Your new idea, project, or dream is a good one, but will take some time to manifest into the best it can be. Patience is on our side and is a good ally.
This is a good card for me to receive. I do like to charge ahead and patience is not one of my better qualities. It's very easy for me to throw caution to the wind and charge ahead with something. Sometimes this works for me, but sometimes it doesn't. I will heed the Knight's message and strengthen my alliance with patience.
Now I have to put in a plug. This coming Sunday, December 13th, I will be reading the Lenormand cards at College Square Mall from 1-3 (or perhaps a little later if it's really busy). KD won't be there with her pendulum this time, but I will be offering 5 card Lenormand spreads for $15. If you have ever been to a card reader, you know that this is an extremely reasonable price. In addition to the card readings, I'll have some of Angelle's stone and wire pendants there for sale. They would make great Christmas gifts or stocking stuffers at only $2 each. So, if you'd like a reading in person, please stop by my table, which will be right outside of Von Maur. No appointments. First come, first served. You may ask a question you'd like to have answered, or I can also do a general reading. I hope you will stop by. It'd be a great break in the middle of your holiday shopping! Have a tremendous Tuesday and stop by tomorrow for Witchy Wednesday.
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