The King of Pentacles is a card of authority, tradition, and success with money. When the king appears, it is a message to follow the established way of doing things rather than to break away from tradition at this time.
This card is telling you that you need to be a good steward of your money, of your time, of your energies, and of your life. Manage your money wisely. Save some time for yourself. Take care of yourself so that you will have more energy to give.
In regard to finances, this is an excellent card to be drawn today. It is a sign that your finances could be improving soon if they are not already. This is largely due to what you are doing to improve those matters. Your efforts are paying off.
However, this is not the time for speculation with money matters. It's okay to take a calculated risk or two, or to treat yourself to a couple of nice things, but don't get carried away. It is always a good idea to perform a random act of kindness or two. What you put out there will come back to you eventually. Treat money like an energy and make sure you have more coming into you than going away from you.
It is also a good time to turn to your spirituality. You might have focused for many years on your material stability and finances and not given much thought to your spiritual side. Now is the time to give it some thought and do some exploration. Improving your spiritual life will also benefit your financial life, interestingly enough.
The King of Pentacles is a very positive card for today. As the king himself sits on his throne, comfortable in his wealth and contemplating his existence and spiritual life, you will be able to experience this same relaxation and contemplation.
Stay positive. Enjoy your Tuesday and check back for some witchy fashion tomorrow.
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