The Ace of Cups is a very positive card! Things will be looking up for you. Generally, you will find that people respond to you with more happiness, love, and goodwill in the near future. More than they usually do.
In work, this card can signify you are headed for a promotion or a new, better job. If you are already employed, this card is telling you that people appreciate and value you. Signs of this appreciation will be coming your way soon. If you are looking for a job, keep on looking as the opportunities are there for you. You just have to find them.
In regards to finances, this card is telling you that you will find opportunities to make extra money. Again, if you are looking for a job, it looks like one will be coming your way. There is also a chance that someone will gift you some money or that by some fortunate turn of events, some money will come your way. This is something you can look forward to.
In regards to health, if you have not been feeling the best, look for this to improve. Your health will take a turn for the better and you will feel healthier and have more energy.
Spiritually speaking, you may be feeling very connected to the divine and to your higher power. It is important to give back some of the love you are experiencing. Spend a little time quietly reflecting on the support you are given from the "other side". That support is always there and all you have to do is seek it.
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