Actually, the first card drawn was "The Hermit", but since I recently had pulled "The Hermit", I pulled a second card. I will say that since "The Hermit" has come up again, it would be a good idea to go back and look at what message he is sending us. It must be very important and still applicable.
The Nine of Swords is often a card of anxiety and fear. How appropriate with the current state of our country. Regardless of who you voted for, you can't deny that things are pretty bad right now. From every angle and from all sides, there is hate, discrimination, anger, resentment, racism, sexism, religious zealots and even violence. I'm not sure how it can be fixed, but I will do my part to spread more tolerance and acceptance. I know there is much anxiety and fear in our nation. You can feel it in the air.
Let's see what this card is telling us today. Look closely at what it is you are worried about. Try not to blame other people or situations for how you are feeling. When you feel your anxiety is out of control, focus on your breathing. It will help you to feel more calm.
Much of what you might feel anxious or worried about could be under your control. These are the easiest situations to address. Look at what you can do to lessen the anxiety. Could you be more prepared? More organized? Could you meet the situation head on and deal with it? Remember, this, too, will pass.
If, however, you feel like other things or people in your life are contributing to the anxiety, take a good look to see if something in the situation or relationship can be changed to make it more workable for you. Take comfort and joy in the ordinary things in life. That's where the true beauty is. I don't know about you, but I get an energy "reload" from both nature and music. Get outside and take a walk in the woods. Let the trees give you the energy they so freely give. Listen to a live concert, close your eyes and let the music do the same.
When you can't control what's happening around you, remember that it is important to do what makes YOU happy. When you can't take care of others, take care of yourself. Treat yourself. Do what you enjoy doing.
Another thing to help alleviate the fear, worry and anxiety, is to learn to silence the "monkey mind". Usually when people can't sleep it's because their mind won't stop the internal chatter. Those problems and situations from the day are still playing out in your head. It's one of the hardest things to do, but figure out how to silence that noise in your head. Meditation is a great way to deal with that. Spend some time in silence each day. Let the chatter come to the surface and then let it go until there is nothing left to chatter about.
In summary, the Nine of Swords is telling us to change what we can and when we can't change it, to change how we react to it. You control your own happiness. You alone. Take care of you and make yourself happy.
Also, remember to go back and read what "The Hermit" has to say. I believe that card was drawn on election day. Hmmm.
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