Today's card drawn is "The Hermit".
I may have mentioned this before, but I am in love with Cat Rocketship's tarot cards. Her deck is not complete, but when possible, the image I will share of the card of the day will be from her deck. We are in luck today, as "The Hermit" card is one she has completed.
"The Hermit" is a card of spirituality. Appropriate for an election day? I think so. This card often has to do with institutions and large organizations, government offices, even the entire Christian Church. If you are an atheist, it still represents spirituality, so whatever "spirit" means to you, that is the meaning this card should take.
It would be helpful for you to take a little time to yourself to clear your head. Even just a five minute walk can be helpful. Appropriately enough on election day, this card is also very much about "doing the right thing". Doing the right thing requires a clear head. In this case, make sure that "doing the right thing"includes doing what is right for you personally and that you are not just worrying about the wants and needs of others.
Regarding finances, it is a good time to be conservative. In health matters, a healthy ritual would be a good idea. If you are experiencing any health problems, they could be more of an indication of a general life/mind problem, rather than an actual physical one. Sometimes those problems manifest in the body. Take care of yourself.
It is very likely that a spiritual teacher or mentor could come into your life at this point. This person might not seem like a "teacher", but you will still learn from him/her on several levels. You might feel the need to withdraw from ordinary life to a degree. Honor that need and know that it is only temporary. Soon you will be feeling more social again, so don't push yourself to be around other people right now if you don't really want to be.
Honoring yourself spiritually will result in you emerging from this month feeling refreshed and renewed. You will once again be ready to tackle what ordinary life brings you and will be able to face it with a rejuvenated outlook.
Have you voted yet? I will vote right after school today. Whoever you are voting for, make sure you DO vote!! May tomorrow arrive with a new and competent leader for America.
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