Today's card drawn is "The Chariot". "The Chariot" card is all about movement and overcoming challenges. The black and white horses pulling the chariot represent opposing forces that you, the driver of the chariot, must learn to control. You obviously need both horses to pull your chariot, so eliminating one of those forces is not the answer. You have a destination in mind and both of these horses need to be guided in that direction. That is your job as the charioteer.
Remember that you are in control of your destiny. It might sometimes feel as though you have no control and are being driven blindly through this life with no real destination in mind. Do not give your destiny up to those forces. If the charioteer let the horses try to pull the chariot in different directions, he would get nowhere. Such is your life. Do not give up your control to someone or something else. The journey may be full of rocky terrain, winding roads and even detours, but you must maintain your focus, confidence and determination. What life lessons are you learning on your journey? The journey itself is very important, so pay attention while you are driving the direction of your life.
The appearance of this card can also indicate that you are in the process of overcoming a challenge. You will be victorious as long as you remember that you are in control. Don't leave the result up to fate. Don't be a bystander. It is your life, your situation, and you are the driver. Take the reins and create your reality.
Balance. Balance is one of the most important things in this world and yet I feel it is what we are most lacking. The white horse isn't any better or more right than the black horse and vice versa. Without the darkness there can be no light. If you only let that white horse take control of your destination, the black one is going to fight it all the way. You will get nowhere. You, as the charioteer, need to make sure those two forces work together and achieve balance. The darkness isn't evil, it's just dark, and darkness can be beautiful. The whole point is to take control, but not to the point that you have taken on too much. You need to find that balance between driving the direction of your life, but then also taking in the landscape on the journey, and letting the dark and light forces do the heavy lifting. Joyous journeys to you all.
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