Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tarot Tuesday - 5/5/20

Today's card drawn is "The Devil"

"The Devil" can represent depression or addiction.  This card points to feeling trapped or not in control of what is going on in your life.  You may feel as if things are spiraling out of your own control.  This seems to be another appropriate card for the situation going on in our world right now.  You may be feeling trapped because of social distancing.  You may be feeling sad because you have to stay inside more or can't see beloved friends or family in person.  You might feel as if there is nothing you can do.  "The Devil" is an illusion.  The illusion is that feeling of entrapment, that feeling of having no control over your situation. You control your own destiny and are not bound by anything other than your own attitudes and behavior.  There are always options and there is always something you can do to improve your situation, no matter how hopeless things may seem on the surface.  Don't give up and don't give away your power.

At the same time, be mindful of how you are treating others.  Have you been more manipulative lately?  Are you using someone for your own gain?  While you are working on freeing yourself, you can also help to make sure you are not infringing on the freedoms of others.  Be kind and be nice.

Sometimes "The Devil" can refer to materialistic things.  Have you been spending more money lately online?  Have you been hoarding toilet paper?  Just kidding about the toilet paper, but this can be a good time to do a little saving as well.  I am all for splurging on yourself once in awhile.  You deserve it.  Just make sure that in the long run you are planning for the future as well.  Don't become a slave to your "things".  They really are just "things".  Find something fun to do that doesn't cost money and doesn't violate social distancing guidelines.  The easiest thing to do is to go for a walk.  Take a walk somewhere you wouldn't normally go and see what happens.  Sometimes we just need to break the "norm" and do something entirely different to help ourselves break free. 

Have a wonderful Tuesday and Happy Cinco de Mayo on Taco Tuesday.  Do something different today than you normally would and free yourself from your own prison.  Check back tomorrow for some cool Witchy Wednesday styles and decor. 

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