It's almost 8:00 p.m. on Monday and I'm just now getting around to blogging. I also realize I never did do a Freaky Friday post. Some weeks are better than others for regular blogging, I guess.
I'll talk about a couple things today. The first being "ghost dogs". I quite literally just got back from a walk with my dog, Lulu. She is a big dog, probably a good 80 pounds, an Anatolian Pyrenees. I'm keeping my sanity during this Covid-19 stay at home crazy time by taking walks with her every evening. It's so good for us both. On tonight's walk, we both saw a very large, Mastiff type dog across the street at a house on a corner that was looking at us. I said "Look, Lulu, a big dog like you". She obviously saw it and was quite interested, wanting to go over to make a friend, so I tightened my hold on her leash. I only looked away from the big dog across the street for a second and when I looked back up, it just wasn't there anymore. I figured it must have gone inside the house or gone around the house or something, but there were no open doors it could have gone into, and it wasn't on any side of the house. I honestly have no idea where this dog could have gone. I've also never seen this dog before and we walk by that house fairly frequently. So, was it a ghost dog? That is my explanation, although there possibly could be a rational explanation as to where the dog went. We actually circled around and walked by that house a second time tonight, but there was no dog. It appeared to me to have just vanished.
This inspired me to look up ghost dogs just before blogging. Do You Believe in Ghost Dogs? I found this great article on from October of 2019. It's not that unusual to have spectral dog sightings. Even Christopher Knight, the actor who played Peter on the original Brady Bunch, saw ghost dogs.
The next thing I'll talk about is randonauting again. I blogged about randonauting previously, and tried it one day by myself. Just this past Saturday I had the chance to go randonauting with my daughter. We set intentions for our adventures. Hers was the color orange and mine was the number 3. The first location we were sent to was a cute little neighborhood. The location was at a crossroads, right in the middle of an intersection. Right by there were one of my favorite things, lilac bushes. There were 3 of them. My intention was met. We then tried a few other locations and saw a lot of orange while driving, from orange houses, orange barrels, orange mailboxes, a dog with an orange color, etc. etc. But most of these locations would have required us to trespass to reach them, so they were not a possibility. Finally, though, I got a location for an attractor that took us to a little dirt road that was quite literally next to a train track. We drove up the road a bit, then decided it would be better to park the car by the main road and then walk the rest of the way since it was so close to the train track. We walked down the road and it turns out this must have been a popular spot for people to dump their junk. My daughter found a few treasures, including an electric circuit board, a broken Jacob's ladder, and a light fixture. We also found a few railroad spikes. It was more like what I have imagined when I've thought of randonauting and it was fun to actually find artifacts this time. The actual randonaut location was off of this road and in the middle of a cornfield (Iowa!) and this being tick season and us both wearing sandals, we decided not to venture out there. When we decided to head back, the train that had been sitting down the way also decided to start moving. The train went right by us and the engineer yelled something to us, but we couldn't hear what he said. We had fun watching the train and the number 53 was on several of the train cars. Looking up the number 53, it is a powerful indication of important life changes occurring in your life (or about to occur). These changes are the result of a positive attitude and intentions to better your life on all levels. I like it. It's also a sign that divine powers are helping you throughout your journey in life. It's all about positive thoughts bringing about great things. It's a very appropriate number for so many things that are going on both for my daughter and myself.
Randonauting is fun even if it's only because it takes you out of the normal predictability of your life and adds a little bit of randomness. It's fun to look for the meaning in the randomness as well. It is an experience I would highly recommend. I think it's a bit more fun to do with someone else than it is to do by yourself, but it can be a meaningful experience either way. I think it's safe to say I'm hooked.
I hope your Monday was marvelous. It's honestly getting close to being over. Tomorrow is Tuesday, so I'll pull a tarot card. Come back and see what message I have for you for Tarot Tuesday.
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