Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tarot Tuesday, July 21

Today's card drawn is the King of Cups.  It looks as though the reign of the Queen from the last two weeks is over for now and a masculine energy is stepping in.

The King of Cups represents calm and emotional stability.  He is the master of his own emotions and feelings.  He doesn't repress these feelings and sentiments, but he stands for a balance between the emotions and the intellect.  This card can indicate strong bonds in a relationship based on temperance and understanding.

The King of Cups tells us that you feel a good balance between emotion and intellect.  You understand your own feelings and emotions and are able to connect to them when necessary.  Recognize this balance as a gift that you have and be open to sharing your calm approach and emotional stability with others.

If you are facing challenges in your life, then this card tells you that you should work to create balance with your emotions.  Be compassionate toward others without getting drawn into their emotional drama.  Be the calm force on the outside of the abyss helping the one who fell in to climb out rather than falling in yourself and getting caught up in his/her dilemma.

The King of Cups can also represent an older male who may appear in your life.  This could be a man of business, law, or a spiritual leader who is kind, considerate and who will take responsibility for his own actions.  He is a fatherly figure who is sensitive, generous, and who enjoys providing loving energy to others.  He is a good listener and responds calmly in an emergency.  He is diplomatic and seeks to help out in situations.  No power struggles with this individual!

If you are facing a personal challenge, this suggests that you will need to be emotionally mature because negative energy from others will be all around.  The King of Cups is level-headed and in control of his emotions.  He is able to use his emotional intellect to make level-headed decisions and does not let other circumstances or negativity sway him from what he strongly believes in.

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