Friday, October 7, 2016

Freaky Friday

TGIF!  It's Friday.  What's freaky?

This:  The clown hysteria.  What is up with them?  We were hearing news of creepy clowns in several different states for a few months now. Finally, earlier this week, we heard they were in our very own community!  My students were freaking out.  Social media went crazy.  I see how mass hysteria starts and can even now see how mass hysteria contributed to the witch trials of 1692.  Me?  I said I would hug a clown if I saw one.  This is probably not the safest thing, but I would imagine if a crazy woman went running after a clown with her arms spread wide screaming "Who needs a hug??", that the clown would turn around and hightail it out of there.  Either way, my crazy choices shouldn't necessarily be everyone else's so if you do get lucky enough to see a creepy clown, you should probably avoid contact.  Freaky.

This:  Harris Haven Funeral Home Haunted House.  We are there again this weekend reading fortunes in the gypsy wagon.  This weekend, Shelby Davis will be joining me both nights with a unique divination method.  She has learned lithomancy, a method of divination by casting stones.  I can't wait to watch her use this method tonight in the wagon.  We will both be at the table reading for everyone, so be sure to stop in the gypsy wagon if you're going to the haunt, and even if you're not going to the haunt (come see us).   We are reading for tips only (they are greatly appreciated as otherwise we are volunteering) and on Monday, I will blog about a few of the more interesting moments from the weekend.  Angelle will be inside the haunted house (watch out for her, she's super creepy) on Friday night, and KD will be with us using her pendulum for yes/no questions (or contacting the deceased) on Saturday.  It's freaky fun!  Stop by!

This:  The Cedar Valley Silent Supper is looming on the horizon.  I'm incredibly excited.  Earlier this week I got a call from an older lady named "Gypsy".  She had run across the silent supper online and was very interested.  However, she lives in Fairfield, which is about 3 hours away from here, and she doesn't drive.  She told me she is a wiccan and was looking for groups and like-minded individuals. (For the record, I am not exactly a wiccan, but you know I have a magickal outlook and lifestyle, and many good wiccan friends).  She also told me she used to live in Salem, Massachusetts and had once attended the "Dumb Supper" there.  That dumb supper is the one I base ours off of.  She also told me she once went to the "Witch's Ball" there and what a great experience that was.  I really feel like we need to get "Gypsy" to the Cedar Valley Silent Supper.  That being said, I started a Gofundme campaign to raise $300.  I researched bus tickets from Fairfield to Waterloo and back.  It will cost about  $150 for transportation, and then I want to put her up in a hotel for the night, too.  A taxi can get her from her hotel to catch the bus back to Fairfield.  I believe this will completely make this special lady's Halloween.  It will also really surprise her.  And how much fun will it be to talk to her about her adventures living in Salem?  So, if you are so inclined or want to do a random act of kindness, please donate a small amount to this simple cause.  To donate, go to  What a freaky opportunity to make someone's day!  Thank you.

This:  Conspiracy Theories abound!!  My younger daughter is sort of an expert on these.  She finds them on youtube and other social media sites.  There is the interesting coincidence where Trump and Clinton are wearing the same colors as the candidates in the most recent "Purge" movie.  Last night she discovered that there is even an image of a clown in the background of that scene.  Last night she had also heard that 23 people in Canada had been murdered by American clowns.  NOT TRUE!!  I immediately educated her about so she can find out what's true or not for herself.  Do you have any favorite conspiracy theories?  They are entertaining, if nothing else.  Freaky.

That's it for Freaky Friday today.  Check back on Monday for "Tales From the Gypsy Wagon".  I hope to see you there this weekend!

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