Since I'm excited about another episode of AHS, I thought I would visit the Hot Topic website and see what AHS fashion they had available. I was not disappointed.

Here is an awesome little "All Monsters Are Human" purse.

Stocking caps are great, and this is just a good motto to live by.

Did you enjoy "Hotel", the last season with Lady Gaga? The Countess was an interesting character, to say the least. Hot Topic has an adorable little "The Countess" figurine.

My older daughter and I often discuss which seasons were our favorites. Of course, I loved "Coven", but think that perhaps "Freak Show" wins out as all time favorite season. That sawing the girl in half scene, though. This "Freak Show" inspired dress is awesome with the bold black and white stripes.

Since we are on cute little dresses, this one is a "Hotel" inspired bell hop dress. Very nice!

Of course, here's my inspiration for "Witchy Wednesday".
Here's a nice "Hotel" glove shirt. It features that nice fingernail "The Countess" used for, well, cutting things.
The scary room at the hotel was room #64. I found that interesting as it's also the year I was born. I really do love this tee shirt.

Last, but certainly not least on this witchy Wednesday, here is the most awesome clown costume and mask ever. During AHS "Freak Show", Angelle and I just loved the character of "Twisty" the clown. Such a tragic story. There has been a bit of a clown craze across the United States these past few months, and most recently, this clown craze hit the Cedar Valley two nights ago. Apparently people are dressing up like creepy clowns and freaking people out. Nobody is really sure why, but there are a couple of clown themed horror movies coming out. Could that be why? Anyway, I don't recommend wearing this costume to go to the store. With the current clown craziness, it might get you hurt or arrested. But it would be great for Halloween!!
Stay witchy today, my friends. On Friday I plan to talk more about the clown situation, so check back!

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