Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Witchy Wednesday

Happy Witchy Wednesday!!  Are you wearing black?

The weekend before last we attended the "Pear Fair", put on by one of our favorites, "Mohair Pear".  While there, we were very excited to see "Zhanna's Jewels" was a vendor.  We met her at the Psychic and Paranormal Expo in Marion and we really liked her artwork and her personality.  This time I bought a black feather pen (KD bought one from her in Marion, and I've been eyeing it ever since), and a copper and crystal crown.  I have since found her on Facebook and liked her page.  You should, too!  Today for Witchy Wednesday, I'm going to share some of her beautiful creations.

 Here is the information on her Facebook page.  It shows some of her creations.

She has some beautiful jewelry, like this pendant and earring set.  I also love trinket boxes made of antlers.

Here is an example of the "crown" I bought from her at the Pear Fair.  Very cool, and I might have to wear it when we start telling fortunes out of the Gypsy Wagon, which we can actually start doing this weekend.
 Some very nice copper and bead rings.  She also makes some very unique wands.

Here are the watches she sells.  They aren't like any other watches.  If you look closely, you will see they are full of gemstones and crystals.  The best kind of watch to have, if you ask me!

No, this sketch isn't one of Zhanna's.  KD decided to quit receiving her "Ibbeautiful" subscription box (which I highly recommend to anyone with tween or teen girls) and switched to receiving the "Artsnacks" subscription box.  It comes once a month with art supplies and piece of candy.  KD got hers today and used all her products to create this sketch.  She used various pencils and a bamboo brush with ink.  Nice job, KD!

So, go check out Zhanna's jewels.  Do it now!  The great thing is she lives in Waterloo, so is a local artist.  I know she goes to a lot of expos and fairs, so maybe you will see her at one.  I know there is one coming up this weekend, the "Body and Soul Expo" in Des Moines, which she is planning to be at.  Enjoy what is left of your Wednesday, then let's sail into the weekend!  See you on Freaky Friday!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tarot Tuesday, 9-29-15

Today's card drawn is the Ace of Wands.  Looking back on previous blog posts, this card has been drawn before.  It must be an important one!

Since this card has been drawn and interpreted by me in the past, I will do it a bit differently this time.

Work:  If you are looking for a new position, this card can indicate that something new and positive is lurking on the horizon for you.  If you are seeking a raise or promotion, be bold and ask for it.  This is a good time for career success.

Love:  If you are single, this card can point to a new relationship heading your way.  If you are already committed, then this card tells you that your relationship is about to undergo a "new beginning" and you will begin to understand each other better.  It is a good time to be expressive.

Finances:  In terms of finances, this card indicates a turn for the better.  Sometimes it can even indicate gifts of money or an inheritance from an unexpected source.  The gifts you will receive do not necessarily have to be money, but could be any kind of gift that both the giver and receiver hold valuable.

Health:  This is a good time to start a new health regime.  Start small and the payoff in the long run will be a big one.  It is important to start now, though, and not to delay.

Spirituality:  There might be a new spiritual influence coming into your life.  Your mind and body are connected, so this is a good time to read up on different philosophies and solidify what you believe.

In a nutshell:  The Ace of Wands is telling you that this is a time for action.  Act on your ideas and dreams to make them become a reality.  With hard work and perseverance, this can be done.  Now is a great time for creative endeavors and creativity.  Do not procrastinate.  Whatever it is you are planning to create or improve, get started now.  The time is right.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday Musings

Good morning!  Happy Monday!!

Over the weekend we ended "Dream Within a Dream", Angelle took my van and a few girls to the homecoming dance, the Pope was in America, met with President Obama and served a Mass to thousands, and there was a total eclipse of the full super harvest moon (syzygy), and yet the world did not end.  Whew.

The play I helped write, "Dream Within a Dream", had a great run.  I am very sad to see it be done.  The cast and crew all made the dream come to life beautifully and I am humbled and amazed by the talent who made the characters in the play become real.  While I'm sad for this dream to be over, there are just more waiting on the horizon.  On with the show!!

Angelle is a Junior in High School.  After the last performance of "Dream", she and her friends left strike early to go get their hair done, get ready for the homecoming dance, then meet at our house for photos.  Of course, the reason photos started out at our house was because of our Halloween decor.

This is what happens when you take "hoco" photos at our house!

I'm also the "crazy and spontaneous mom" who thought it would be a good idea to knock on our neighbor's door (they are UNI wrestlers) and ask them to come out and take photos with the girls. They were incredibly good sports and very politely agreed to comply.  Go Panthers!!
Then that gorgeous Blood Moon!!  We had some friends over to sit in our driveway with us and watch the total eclipse of the moon since we get such a good view from our house.  Angelle and her friend, Rachel, climbed on top of our dirt bike trailer to watch.  Angelle, KD and I thought this was the perfect event to wear our new witch hats for, so we did just that.

That's me on the left taking a selfie as the moon was just beginning to rise. KD on the right having fun in her beautiful golden accented witch hat, and Angelle below in her silver/grey accented hat doing I don't know what.
Obviously we are all having a lot of fun.  I even saw a shooting star.
Sometime during the lunar eclipse, John got my telescope out. I wish I'd have planned better and gotten it ready ahead of time.  After our friends left for the evening, John got the moon in view and focused in the telescope very nicely and Angelle managed to use my i-phone to take photos of it through the telescope.
That wasn't all that easy to do, and I think she did a great job.  Of course, seeing it in person is always so much better than the photos.

It was quite a weekend, and I'm looking forward to a somewhat quieter week than the last few have been.  I'd like to spend some evenings just having some quality time with the dogs and reading a couple good books.  How about you?  How was your weekend?  How did you spend the lunar eclipse?  Check back tomorrow to see what the cards hold this week and have a marvelous Monday.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Freaky Friday

TGIF!  What's freaky?

This:  The Blood Moon!  This Sunday, during the late evening hours, there will be both a Super Moon and a total lunar eclipse.  I think it will be really cool to watch, and I don't think it's going to bring the apocalypse.  Blood Moon  Go to this link to see some great photos of the blood moon that occurred in April.  Stay up late and watch the skies.

This:  Dream Within a Dream is almost over.  Just two more performances.  One tonight and one tomorrow afternoon.  If you are a Poe fan, you absolutely do not want to miss this show!! Tickets are just $10.00, so call the Black Hawk Children's Theatre today at (319) 291-4494!
This:  The Pope is in America.  I am amazed by the mixed bag of opinions about the Pope.  People either think he is the greatest thing for Roman Catholicism or the world in general, and others think he is "pure evil" or the "anti-christ".  What do I think?  I think he is a human, just like the rest of us.  I really like this Pope and his progressive way of thinking.  I don't know him personally, so it's really hard for me to say, but I think some are judging him too harshly, and they don't know him personally, either!

I think that's about all that's really freaky in my world this Friday.  I will blog about the Blood Moon on Monday for Monday Musings, so if we are all still here, check back!  What's freaky in your world?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Witchy Wednesday

Happy Witchy Wednesday!!  Or should I say, Happy Apocalypse?  It hasn't actually happened yet, of course, but this is one of the dates the world is supposed to end.  I could also say Happy Autumnal Equinox!  Hopefully you will be able to read my blog post today before the end comes.

Much happiness came yesterday when DuRaae from "To Our Moon and Back" delivered our beautiful hand crocheted witch hats.  They all suit our individual personalities perfectly and we love them!  Last winter I had DuRaae make me a crocheted Santa hat, too.  She does lovely work. Check them out!  I want to wear my hat all the time!

You can see the girls' hats better in these photos.  KD's has a little "treasure box" on it that opens and closes.  She could put a small "spell" in there.  Angelle's has a silver skull and crossbones on it. Mine has a beautiful cameo silhouette. We love our hats!! Below you can see the hats on styrofoam heads to see the detail.

I saw this on Facebook and thought it was a really neat idea.  At Dollar Tree, the girls and I bought some spooky and Halloween themed fairy garden accessories.  We love fairy gardens and thought we would make a Halloween themed one.  Once I saw this, it occurred to me that we need to make our Halloween fairy garden inside a hollowed out pumpkin like this one, and then put some lighting in it.  Can't' wait to start working on it!

That's it for Witchy Wednesday today.  We were just so happy and pleased with our hats.  If you need a hat or jewelry made, I recommend contacting "To Our Moon and Back".  They are simply the best.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tarot Tuesday, 9-22-15

Today's card drawn is the King of Swords.

The King of Swords represents intellect, power and authority. Using his bravery and strong intellect, he is able to accomplish everything he wishes.  This card indicates that you should remain detached and objective in a specific situation.  Seek the truth and know the facts.  Your intellect is going to be an important tool to prove your point and succeed.  Stay alert and aware of your everyday observations and experiences.  What you learn from them is going to assist you greatly in this situation as is your education.  Refer to history and law when necessary and use diplomacy in your dealings with others.

At this point in time, you are able to see the truth.  Take the lead role and try to remain objective in your point of view. It will be better right now to leave emotions out of decisions and be as rational as possible.  It is possible you will be required to reason with others involved and be very direct about what you see.  Right now, detachment is what is needed most.

The King of Swords can also represent a professional advisor such as an attorney or financial advisor. If you have any questions it would be helpful to seek the advice of a detached professional. Look for a person who will watch out for your needs and who can provide your with an objective point of view.  When choosing this person, check his/her credentials.  Choose the most-qualified help available.  This card can also indicate a person of high ethical standards.  He is a person impossible to corrupt and gives sound and solid advice to anyone who asks, no matter who they are.  He also expects others to follow the rules and has little to no tolerance for those who break the law.

Have a great Tuesday.....approach your situation with detached and calm intellect.  Put your emotions aside, just for awhile.  See you tomorrow for Witchy Wednesday!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday Musings

Happy Monday!!

They say we are in Mercury Retrograde right now.  I'm not sure completely what it means, but I did look it up and discovered that apparently because of where Mercury is in orbit and it's relationship to Earth right now, it appears to be spinning backwards, even though it is not.  There are many people who claim this can be a rocky time for us humans and can even affect communications and electronics.  I have heard from a few people having sudden, weird troubles with their devices and computers.  I can't honestly say if Mercury Retro is to blame, but I do find it to be interesting.  "As above, so below", as they say.

We had the most fabulous weekend, Mercury Retrograde or not.  First, on Friday KD auditioned on her viola for the Northern Iowa Junior Orchestra.  She invited me to listen to her audition, so I did. She played well, and then the director looked at her and said "You're in".  She said it took a moment for that to register, but once it did, that girl started to smile and didn't stop smiling the rest of the evening.  She was so happy!!  And I am so happy for her!

Friday night was opening night for "Dream Within a Dream" and it went great.  John and a few of my friends were there.  It was so nice for them to come.  The actors all did such a tremendous job.  I'm so proud of all their hard work and can't thank them enough for making this dream come to life.  Of course, after the performance we headed to Village Inn, sort of a tradition for us after opening night. That's always fun!

Saturday morning the girls took part in the Young Eagle's Flight and got to fly in a small airplane. They love doing that and Angelle took a few cool pictures from the airplane.  We attended the "Pear Fair" put on by Mohair Pear and got cool henna tattoos, ate delicious black bean vegitarian burgers and just had a great time looking at all the great products and artsy stuff.  That afternoon we had a matinee performance of the play, then headed to visit John's parents in Osceola.  We had a very nice time there.  They have a house cat who is just lovely.  Since we have two dogs and no cats, the girls enjoyed getting their cat fix.

After we got back yesterday, I spruced up my Halloween yard decorations a bit, then Angelle headed to get placed in her All State quartet.  I am pleased to say she got placed in a quartet with one of our favorite people, Sylvia, who I always jokingly say is my "favorite" daughter.  Sylvia rides with us a lot in the van when we are doing plays together, so we have gotten to know her well.  Angelle and Sylvia will sing beautifully together.  I am so proud of all my girls!

As we go through this "retro" period (hmm, I think I'll go to some vintage stores), stay positive and don't let the energy drainers get you down.  They are out there.  Treat yourself to whatever makes you feel better, a yummy truffle or a nice, strong latte.  Hang in there and check back tomorrow for Tarot Tuesday!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Witchy Wednesday

Happy Witchy Wednesday!  I've been wearing a lot of all black lately since we've had dress rehearsals every night and I need to wear all black doing costumes and dry ice effects.  It's all black overtime!  You'd think I'd want a splash of color today, but no, I'm wearing my favorite Hot Topic spine black dress over black leggings.  I can never wear enough black!!

Today I thought I'd look at different witchy "styles".  It really doesn't take a lot of money to dress witchy.  To get inspired, I looked back a couple years to "American Horrror Story, Coven".  I then found a few other inspirations.

 I like this photo.  One of my favorite "witchy" styles is the Bohemian style.  I didn't actually see this dress for sale, but did run across the photo and loved the dress.  Boots are important in fall and winter, and I love the cool brown ones she has on.  They look great with the many ruffled layers of the skirt.
 The next two photos are from "American Horror Story, Coven".  It's from the scene where Fiona tells the girls to "put on something black" and they go out on the town in New Orleans.

You can see it isn't difficult to wear all black. And it doesn't have to be expensive.  Just go thrifting and throw a few cool black pieces together.  And don't forget the hat.  The black umbrella is also a nice touch.

 Speaking of hats, here is a cool one.  It's available at and had some great black witchy attire.  I found them to be a bit on the expensive side, too.  I'm sure you could get close to these looks without spending much money.  Get creative, go to Good Will, a thrift store, or even Target!  See what you can come up with.
 I have a couple fringy shawls.  I love them.

 This jacket intrigues me.  Sort of zombie-ish.
 A cloak like this one always comes in handy.  I love the full length and the hood.
SALE!  This shirt was on sale at one of the above online shops.  It was the only sale item.

If you come up with a great outfit, please feel free to share in the comments!  I'd love to see what you create!!

Happy Witchy Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tarot Tuesday, 9-15-15

Today's card drawn is "Justice".

I make the big mistake of getting into debates of a religious and spiritual nature.  Also, sometimes of a somewhat political nature.  I say this is a mistake because I can't seem to help myself and once in the debate, I have a difficult time stopping.  I feel like I always have to have the last word.  I also always feel like there are more words to say.  I think the reason I can't seem to help myself is because I dislike closed mindedness, judgmental thinking and bigotry.  So, it seems somewhat appropriate that the card I draw today is "Justice".

At it's most basic, this card represents fairness, justice, truth and the law.  If you are awaiting an outcome of sorts, this card indicates that the fairest decision will be made. It is possible that the decision has already been made. It is the decision that is a result of your past actions and choices.

Justice reflects the search for truth.  You have a need to know and speak the truth.  You want others to do the same.  It can be frustrating when they don't.  Make sure you are being fair and just when dealing with others and soon you will be able to detect dishonesty in yourself and others.  This is a good time to remain objective and base your judgement on fact and not on heresay. Make sure you are playing fair and a positive outcome will be achieved. Be able to sense when someone else is not playing fair and gently call them out on it.  Before judging others, make sure you have judged yourself first.

This card can also indicate legal matters.  You might be dealing with legal contracts.  When you are the person demanding justice, be assured that justice will be served as long as you have been truthful and honest.  Justice will prevail.  We reap what we sow.

My thoughts are that each and every one of  us needs to look within before we can look without. Before pointing fingers and "casting stones" and calling others out as being sinners or being wrong, we truly need to look at ourselves first.  My thinking is that if each of us in the world is honest, we would never really judge others for their lifestyles as long as they aren't hurting anyone else. Considering what tends to dominate our news sources these days, this card is a very appropriate one.

Okay, deep breath.  Play fair today and remember this card is also telling us that our current actions and choices will affect our future.  The past is the past, the present is now, but what we do now is what will determine our tomorrows.  

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday Musings

Happy Monday!  What a short but exciting weekend it was!

First, Friday night was possibly our last night off from rehearsals until "A Dream Within a Dream" opens this Friday night.  So, we headed out to the amphitheatre to hear "Savage Aural Hotbed" play.  Angelle was pretty excited about it, but KD and I were quite tired and cold.  She and I shared a veggie quesadilla, then headed home. We left Angelle and her friend there with John to take them home.  He was running sound.  From what I've heard, they had a fantastic time!  I do love "Savage Aural Hotbed".  They are incredibly unique!

The rest of the weekend was very full of rehearsals.  We had our first tech rehearsal Saturday, then a couple of run-throughs yesterday.  As you may already know, over the summer I helped to write this play based on the works of Edgar Allan Poe.  I am the Assistant Director and now am also helping KD with costumes.  This means KD is my crew head.  It's a job she takes seriously.  She does her job well and makes sure I do mine well, too.  Angelle is also on crew, but her main job will be running the dry ice machines.  Yes, that's right.  There will be dry ice in this show!!  Very cool.

We took photos yesterday.  Here are our delightful crew members!!  Can you tell which two are my daughters?  Yes, that's right.  One of them is the one with the gun.  Of course. Angelle, Angelle, Angelle.  I just love this photo!

If you are a reader of my blog and you are in the Waterloo area, please come to "A Dream Within a Dream" at the Black Hawk Children's Theatre. A lot of hard work and emotion has gone into this show.  Opening night is Friday night.  Call (319) 291-4494 for tickets.  Performances are September 18th and 25th at 7:00 p.m. and September 19th and 26th at 2:00 p.m.  I'd love for you to see this show!  It's really powerful to see the poems and stories of Poe come to life onstage.

On Friday I said I hoped that I would be blogging about Miss Iowa winning Miss America, but unfortunately, I am not.  Taylor Wiebers, our fabulous Miss Iowa, did make top 12, though, which is fabulous out of 52 girls.  And she did win two preliminary awards.  I  am so proud of our Miss Iowa and was very impressed with our new Miss America, Miss Georgia.  We still really enjoyed watching and cheering.

Saturday afternoon we gave ourselves permission to put out our Halloween decorations.  Yahooo!!  I think our yard looks great, and I'm excited to add some new things this year when we have time.  I have a few ideas.  Swinging zombie girl is out there already,  though, so drive by and check it all out. Here's hoping your Monday is marvelous and the rest of your week goes great!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Freaky Friday

TGIF!!  Even though this was a short week with Monday off, it sure seemed long!  I think it's the "A Dream Within a Dream" rehearsals that are killing me right now.  I teach all day, run girls to lessons, then go to the theatre until about 9:00. That does make for a long day.  It's worth it, though.  This play has been in my dreams since we began the project in late May.  And now it is close to not just being a part of my dreams, but a reality.  So, I can be tired for just a bit longer. Opening night is next Friday!

It's Friday.  What's freaky?

This!  This box with all the weird symbols on it. Angelle was camping in Clear Lake with her friend's family.  They went to the antique show on the square and she was intrigued by this box. She took pictures and sent them to me.  I have to admit some of the symbols looked familiar to me at first, but my old brain wasn't making the connection.  So, I shared it with some of the paranormal community.  The next thing I know, people are looking up folk magic and even demonic symbols.  Finally, a couple of knowledgeable people told me that those were livestock brands and it was a tack box.  LOL! There is a ranch in West Texas called the Four Sixes ranch.  I knew I had seen that rocking chair symbol before.  Of course.  Makes perfect sense.

This!  We went to the University Avenue Cruise on Sunday night.  Well, Angelle didn't go because she was camping, but John, KD and I did.  The hood of this car is covered in pennies.  And that's a children's wagon on top.  Very unique!
 This!  This car had a leg in the back.  Sounds like my decorating style!
 A view from the outside.
 This!  This Area 51 truck!
This!  Do you see the face in the window?  Scary!
And finally, this!  The Cedar Valley Silent Supper is coming up soon.  October 30!!

Well, it's a month and a half away.  As of today we have 20 reservations and have room for 30 more.  It costs $35.00 per person and this includes a three course gourmet meal (the entree is salmon with asparagus and some sort of fancy mushroom over a bed of black pasta, and the dessert is key lime and raspberry mousse, and there is also a spring salad with raspberry vinaigrette).  The cost also includes a glass of wine or sparkling cider and a free divination session after the meal (palm reading, tarot, lenormand card, pendulum).  Four fortune tellers will be available and if you don't want your fortune read after the supper, you can schedule it for a later date.  Still no extra cost.  The meal is served backwards and in silence to create the feeling that the veil to the other side is thin and we are dining with our ancestors.  Check out our facebook page Cedar Valley Silent Supper for more info.  You can also google Silent Supper or Dumb Supper to get an idea of what it's about.  If you are interested in reservations, call (319) 290-0338 or private message me through the facebook page.  I can take credit card, or you can mail me a check.  We'd love to have you there!  It's sure to be one of the most unique experiences any of us has ever had.

That's it for Freaky Friday today.  So happy for the weekend.  We decided that this weekend we will put up our Halloween yard decorations.  Yay!!  We will be watching Miss America on Sunday night and rooting loudly for Miss Iowa, Taylor Wiebers (she won preliminary talent, by the way).  If you hear a lot of yelling and cheering, it might just be us.  We are worse than football fans watching the Super Bowl.  Seriously.  I'm hoping that on Monday Musings, I can blog about Miss Iowa becoming Miss America!