Friday, September 25, 2015

Freaky Friday

TGIF!  What's freaky?

This:  The Blood Moon!  This Sunday, during the late evening hours, there will be both a Super Moon and a total lunar eclipse.  I think it will be really cool to watch, and I don't think it's going to bring the apocalypse.  Blood Moon  Go to this link to see some great photos of the blood moon that occurred in April.  Stay up late and watch the skies.

This:  Dream Within a Dream is almost over.  Just two more performances.  One tonight and one tomorrow afternoon.  If you are a Poe fan, you absolutely do not want to miss this show!! Tickets are just $10.00, so call the Black Hawk Children's Theatre today at (319) 291-4494!
This:  The Pope is in America.  I am amazed by the mixed bag of opinions about the Pope.  People either think he is the greatest thing for Roman Catholicism or the world in general, and others think he is "pure evil" or the "anti-christ".  What do I think?  I think he is a human, just like the rest of us.  I really like this Pope and his progressive way of thinking.  I don't know him personally, so it's really hard for me to say, but I think some are judging him too harshly, and they don't know him personally, either!

I think that's about all that's really freaky in my world this Friday.  I will blog about the Blood Moon on Monday for Monday Musings, so if we are all still here, check back!  What's freaky in your world?


  1. His Holiness, Pope Francis is an incredible human being who knows that God has given him a huge responsibility. He is about serving others. Respect and responsibility to kindness and fairness to others. He spoke to Congress and to the United Nations. He is making history by doing so, but to him it is an opportunity to say to political leaders, stop fighting amongst yourselves and fix things to be fair for all. Education, housing, food and medical care. Respecting this planet is respecting humanity. He clearly states that you can believe or not believe. It is all about taking care of each other and this planet. So look at the Moon Sunday night and contemplate how we too can pay it forward with compassion.

  2. Beautifully well-said, DuRaae. Thank you for that wonderful comment honoring our awesome Pope.
