Friday, November 6, 2015

Freaky Friday

It's Friday!  What's freaky?

This!  This Spiny Flower Mantis.  Every once in awhile, people will share an image of a cool mantis with me.  You see, a few years ago, I spent some summers raising Chinese praying mantises.  As in I hatched hundreds from oothecas, then kept a few to adulthood while releasing the rest.  They are fascinating insects.  I haven't raised any the past couple summers, but I'm thinking it's time again, and maybe I will try some more exotic mantises, like this freaky beauty.

This!  This proud mom moment.  Yesterday I got a text from Angelle telling me that she was named a finalist for a solo for the Iowa All State Choral Festival.  Wow!!  That's a huge honor.  Of course, she still has to audition at the actual festival, but just to be named a finalist is amazing.  KD was also accepted into Opus, the state honor choir for 5th through 9th grade, so I am doubly proud of those girls.  Looking forward to their performances!  It's freaky how proud I am!

This!  I googled "post Halloween depression disorder" this morning and couldn't believe how many results came up!  Yes, I'm feeling a bit down now that the holiday is over.  I think I will feel better once I start decorating for Christmas and get that tree up.  Also, working on our place setting for the Sartori Festival of Trees will help occupy my creative side.  If you're like me, and find the first couple of weeks after Halloween to be a bit difficult, google what to do for post Halloween depression disorder.  There are several freaky suggestions on how to cope!

This!  There was the hint of some big news about Mars to be released yesterday. It is interesting news as NASA has determined the atmosphere of Mars was stripped away by Solar storms.  They even suggest that the atmosphere of Mars might have been able to support life at one time.  It's freaky how much we learn every day about the Universe.

This!  I have an aunt who lives close to Washington Square park in New York City.  It has been a couple decades since I've visited her, but I do remember walking through that park several times when there.  Just yesterday, several skeletons were discovered in a vault underneath that park when construction workers were updating the water mains.  Apparently that was a popular spot for executions and burials centuries ago.  Very freaky!

That's it for freaky Friday today!  Do you know any freaky news?  Feel free to share!

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