Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tarot Tuesday 11-24-15

Today's card drawn is "The Lovers".

The obvious meaning of  "The Lovers" concerns relationships, in particular, romantic love relationships.  This card represents perfection, harmony and mutual attractiveness.  The bond between these two is very strong and is usually indicative of a marriage or a long-term relationship.

As with any tarot card, however, there are different levels of meaning.  On a personal level, this card represents that you may be establishing a personal belief system and becoming more sure of your own values.  It might be a time when you are figuring out what you stand for and what your own philosophy on life is.  It is time to make up your mind about what is and what isn't important in life.  Stay true to yourself. Don't try to be anybody but who you really are.

"The Lovers" can also stand for major choices in life.  You might have a dilemma in which you will have to take action or make an important decision.  Something might happen that changes your plans.  You might feel like things are not going your way, but later it will turn out to be for the best.  You need to think about the decision and choices you are facing. These decisions are very important so it is imperative that you choose the right path.  If there is an easy way out, you need to decide if it's really the right path for you in the long run.  Sometimes the more difficult path is the better way to go, especially when thinking of the long-term and deep effects it may have on your life.

Are you finding yourself at a moral crossroads?  Do you have a decision to make regarding whether to take the moral high road or low road?  Be sure you consider all the consequences before you act. Your own value system might be challenged at this point and, therefore, you need to make your choice based on that system.  This really might be a difficult decision for you, and there certainly is a right and wrong choice in this particular instance.  One choice will benefit you greatly in the future, but the other will lead you down a negative path.  It would be a good idea to seek some advice from someone you trust before making your final decision.  Make sure you are being completely honest with yourself.  Examine your own feelings, motives and personal values carefully.  Look at each option deeply and with a sense of what it will bring in the future.

Wow, that's a pretty serious card.  Too serious for this cold, wintry November Tuesday.  Does this card apply to you today?  Here's wishing you some time to reflect on the major decisions in your life and for clarity in making those decisions.  Have a very decisive Tuesday!

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