Friday, November 13, 2015

Freaky Friday

TGIF!!  Woo hoooo!  Hallelujah!!

It's Friday.  What's freaky?

This:  Yesterday I taught school all day, stopped by the UNICC office to find a copy of music for the accompanist around 4:00, picked up KD from school at 4:30, picked up Angelle, took both girls, their instruments and all our music to the Suzuki recital performance class from 5:00 - 6:00, dropping off talent sale items and music for the UNICC accompanist while there, then went to UNICC rehearsal from 6:30 until 8:15.  That's a freakishly long day.

This:  It's November 13th and the weather is still pretty mild.  Except for the other night, that is.  Two nights ago we were in a tornado warning for awhile.  In other parts of Iowa they had a tornado warning, hail, then snow, all in one night.  That's Iowa's freaky weather for you.

This:  The Krampus movie comes out December 4th, three weeks from today.  Krampus puts the Halloween in Christmas.  I've been a little bit fascinated with the story of Krampus since there was a Grimm episode that featured him.  For those of us who love Halloween, horror movies and all things creepy, this movie is pretty great news.  Krampus comes from Germanic lore and was the counterpart to St. Nicholas.  In fact, they traveled together and while St. Nick rewarded all the good children, Krampus dragged the naughty ones to his lair.  You know, there are some children who respond better to scare tactics than to rewards.  Is that where the idea of Krampus came from? However Krampus got started, he's pretty freaky!

This:  Today is Friday the 13th.  Freaky.  While this may be considered to be an unlucky day by some, I always reverse those superstitions and consider this to be a very lucky day!  I love Friday the 13th. Interested in the history of Friday the 13th?  Here is a link.  Friday the 13th History  Honestly, you control your own fate, so turn those unlucky things into lucky things.  You really do have that power.  I'm thinking it could be fun to start organizing Friday the 13th tea parties.  The theme could be all symbols of luck and unlucky symbols as well.  Hmmm.  Something to think about.

This:  Okay, okay, I'm not going to go on about the red Starbucks cup.  Enough already!  However, I'm going to focus on the mermaid.  She's pretty freaky.  I mean, really, a mermaid with two tails?  In researching her origins, I found a great story about a cathedral built in about 1088 which features an image of this two tailed mermaid.  The thing I really find freaky about this article is that the mosaic floor of this cathedral features not only Biblical characters, but many, many different fantastical images and creatures from all different types of lore.  I'll post a link to the article.  It's very interesting and shows just how connected ancient religions really are to each other.  Two Tailed Mermaid Article

That's it for Freaky Friday today from me.  Do you have anything freaky to share?  Have a fabulously freaky Friday and a wonderful weekend.  See you Monday for Monday Musings.


  1. That movie intrigues me! I was born on Friday, the 13th of Oct. (month of Halloween)
    The whole cup thing, get a sharpie and decorate your own the way you want and then pay it forward. Donate to the food bank, drop off a blanket to a shelter, take food & toys to the animal shelter......etc.
    <3 Happy thoughts & good wishes!

  2. DuRaae, I love your suggestions to turn the negative Starbucks cup thing into positive things. Just like turning bad luck things into good luck things. It's a great way to live life! Blessings to you, dear friend!
