KD's pendulum is a clear quartz crystal orb on a chain. She got it at the Cedar Valley Reiki Center in Cedar Falls. It is right on the corner of 7th and Main. The Reiki Center is a great little new age shop and in addition to the great products there, they offer Reiki sessions. KD will tell you she was drawn to the pendulum she chose. She has always liked clear quartz. KD will always "test" her pendulum before she begins reading to make sure she knows which way is "yes" and which way is "no". She doesn't use a pendulum board yet, but that is something she has mentioned she might like to get. Pendulums can be made with any color crystal. I recommend purchasing one in person rather than online, so you can actually hold the crystal and see if it feels "right" to you.
The cards I use in divination are the Lenormand cards. Throughout the last year I have used the Blue Owl deck which I purchased in McGregor, Iowa at the Paper Moon gift store. I absolutely love this deck!! The deck I own has the little poems on each card along with the picture. I no longer read the poems and I read somewhere that the poems can be a distraction both to the reader and the querent as the meanings of the cards don't always match up with the poems, depending on the card's placement in the reading. Therefore, I went on a search for Blue Owl cards without the poems. It took awhile to find them, but I did find a deck on Amazon. They finally came in the mail yesterday. They were made in Germany, so thankfully I don't need to read the meanings on the pamphlet since they are all in German. Instead of the poem, there is a small regular playing card picture above the regular card picture. I am looking forward to practicing with this deck and breaking these cards in.
Here is an example of a card from the deck I have been using.

I am still often blown away by the accuracy of readings done with these cards. I prefer reading them to reading Tarot. I think that's a bit unusual. I haven't met another Lenormand card reader personally, although I know they are out there. When people think of card reading, they usually think of the Tarot. There are many, many beautiful and unique Tarot decks available out there. The one I use on Tarot Tuesdays is the "Gilded Tarot". I think it's quite beautiful. I also purchased a "Deviant Art" deck once, but some of pictures in the deck were a bit risque so I don't use them. They are cool, though, and extremely unique!
Here is an example of the Gilded Tarot which I use for Tarot Tuesday on this blog.
So, what about other forms of divination? Angelle likes palm reading and did some of it last year, but this year she hasn't really gotten into it. Palm reading just takes a little bit of study to understand what all the lines mean. I recommend taking one or two lines at a time and practicing them until you really understand them, then adding more lines. I never really got into palm reading much myself. The nice thing about palm reading is you don't need a particular tool. There are several books on palm reading available and you can also look up palm reading online to learn how to do it.
I found an online divination tool this morning called "The Syncronicity Site". It's an interesting method of divination and allows you to ask and throw the dice once a day for free. Check it out and let me know what you think!
I believe I have said this before, but I don't refer to myself as a "psychic" reader. I call myself a card reader. So, when you are getting a reading from me, I don't say "psychic readings", I say "card readings". There are a few reasons for this. For one thing, I believe everyone is a little bit psychic. Have I ever had strange things happen, like deja vu or parts of a dream come true? Sure I have. But I'll bet you have, too. I'm sure some people just brush off things like that as coincidence. We are all at different levels of seeing and believing. I have a friend who can tell when someone around her is pregnant. She has always just been able to sense this. Is she psychic? Sure. But aren't we all at least a little bit? Also, I think if I call myself a "psychic" reader, then people expect me to be able to know things like their names, who their spouse is, etc. etc. because I am psychic. I don't claim to know any of that. I am simply a card reader and sometimes when I'm reading, my intuition will take over a bit in how I interpret the cards. That's the nice thing about using a divination tool. Let the cards or pendulum do the work, then all you have to do is interpret the meaning. The more you do it, the more your own intuition is going to come through
Other forms of divination also include but are not limited to the Runes (I have used these before, but not in several years), the I-Ching, and one of my older favorites was "Gong Hee Fot Choy" (not sure if I spelled that correctly, in fact, pretty sure I didn't). What are some of your favorites?
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