This: "The Witch" opens today. From what I heard it's terrifying with a capital T. Of course, I've watched the television series "Salem", which is also quite terrifying. I read an interesting review of "The Witch" today. You can read it here: "The Witch" Freaky!
This: Speaking of movies, Angelle, John and I saw "Deadpool" last weekend. That's quite the movie. Be warned, it is extremely adult and Angelle was embarrassed during some parts, especially watching it with her parents. However, it is extremely funny and very good. At one point, "Deadpool" breaks the 4th wall to talk to the audience during which he has a flashback. During the flashback he breaks the 4th wall again. His comment is that he broke the 4th wall within breaking the 4th wall, so he essentially broke 16 walls. My theatre self found that to be hysterical, although I did have to explain that to John. Freaky fun!

This: Do not, and I repeat, do NOT eat raw squid in Asian countries. Doing so can result in you becoming "pregnant" with baby squid. Seriously. It's true. If you end up consuming a raw male squid, the squid spermataphores (or something like that) can lodge in your mouth causing extreme pain. If left alone, they would turn into baby squid, but I don't think it would be a good idea to let that happen. Doctors have to remove them. Eating squid in the West, however, is perfectly safe as those internal organs are first removed. This is one of the freakiest things I have stumbled onto today. Look it up if you dare.
This: Corn Starch Alien Tendrils Video Yep, corn starch alien tendrils. Just watch the video. It's freaky, but cool. If you want to try it at home, follow their suggestions and put plastic over your speaker first, unless you don't care if you ruin the speaker.
That's it for freaky Friday. Be freaky, have fun, and check back on Monday for my Monday Musings.
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