Have you been feeling bored with your life? Tired of the mundane? Does life feel as though it has become stale and that not much excites you anymore? That could be the reason the four of cups has shown up today. This card suggests that you need to re-evaluate your situation and look deep within your own subconscious to once again find the meaning in your life. A little introspection is in store right now to find what it is you are searching for. There might be many distractions around you as you are trying to do this. Avoid those distractions and really look deep within your own heart and mind to gain clarity.
It is possible that you are disappointed in a person or a situation. Maybe the same old struggle has been carried on for too long in the past and you are growing tired of it. You may have found yourself starting to withdraw and go within yourself for peace and tranquility. It is time to wake up, pay attention and be open to new experiences that offer a more positive outcome.
Are you feeling defensive? Have you been hurt before and so it is difficult to open yourself up to new possibilities? Doing this might be closing you off to the fabulous opportunities which are presenting themselves to you. Ask yourself whether you are closing off because you truly believe you would not benefit from the opportunities or whether it is because you are fearful of what might follow. If it is fear holding you back, it's time to let go of it. While fear can sometimes keep you safe, it can also sometimes hold you back.
You might feel right now that you have too many problems yourself to be able to reach out and help others. Your detachment from being part of the world is becoming an issue. You always have the opportunity to reconnect with the world and accept the cup that is being offered to you.
Have you recently received an offer and have not yet made your decision? The offer will continue to be there and you can accept or turn it down at any point. You are smart to take your time and do some thinking, research and meditation. Weigh the cons and pros of the situation carefully. There is no rush. You will know when it feels right emotionally to make your decision regarding this offer. It's okay to take your time.
Finally, this card is telling you to not take anything for granted. That feeling of contentedness with your safety and security can sometimes cause you to take your life for granted and not truly appreciate what it is you have. Be sure to show appreciation for everything you have gained so far. Take a moment today to look at your life and see the abundance you possess. Do you already have all you need? Do you really want more? Try, really try, to see the good that is already there and be thankful for it every day. Gratitude is a powerful thing. Really feeling grateful for your life is one of the most powerful spells you can cast.
Boy is this card needed!