Friday, January 8, 2016

Freaky Friday

TGIF!  Now this is a Friday that I'm happy to see.  One week back to teaching and I'm exhausted, but in a good way.  We've started our recorder unit in 4th and 5th grades.  That in itself is really freaky.  If you've ever taught recorders, you know what I mean.  And my younger students are having fun with boomwhackers and my new classroom parachute.

It's Friday.  What's freaky?

This:  Do you ever have an experience when if you think about something, it happens or appears?  There are groups who do experiments with manifesting.  How ridiculous of a thing can you manifest?  I've sometimes done it with a song.  I think about hearing the song on the radio and see how long it takes for me to turn on the radio and that song is playing.  Most recently there was a facebook challenge to manifest a half peeled orange.  I thought about a half peeled orange and right after saw orange peels in a trash can in the library.  Not exactly, but close.  So, I acknowledged it as a start, but did not accept it as mission accomplished.  Well, when I got home, I opened the cupboard to find a snack, and right in front of me, plain as day, was a can of mandarin oranges and on the label? A half peeled orange.  And I didn't even buy that can of mandarin oranges or put it there.  Try it and see how long it takes you to manifest something small.  It's freaky!

This:  Tonight I am going to Sissy's Circus with a group of awesome and fun ladies.  What is Sissy's Circus, you may ask?  It's a burlesque show and "Sissy", the star of the show, is in full drag for most of it.  She is incredibly talented and I've always enjoyed going to this production.  It is rated NC/17 and if you are easily offended, you should not attend.  The "f" bomb gets dropped a lot and it is definitely adult content.  However, I don't go out that much so I'm pretty excited!  One thing I can say about their shows is that they are really freaky!

This:  The Power Ball jackpot is currently at $700,000,000.  That is insane.  I did buy a ticket at the last minute when I happened to remember the jackpot was really high on Wednesday.  I suppose I'll have to buy another one for Saturday.  The odds of winning are astronomical, but there is still a chance, no matter how small, right?   It's hard to imagine what anybody would do with that much money.  It's an interesting topic for conversation.  Angelle and I had that conversation just the other day.  I said I would buy a huge building that's for sale locally.  I would open "Witches Brew" on the main floor along with "Books and Beyond".  The building is big enough that the two "dreams" could have their own space, then a shared space for people to read and enjoy their beverages.  We also said we'd renovate the apartment units in this building and have our own luxury apartment there to enjoy whenever we wanted to.  Neither one of us wanted to move, though.  We like our location, but we did say we would add on to our house quite a bit to make it much, much bigger.  And we would donate to worthy causes, of course.  What would you do with that much money?  It's freaky when you think about it.

This:  I looked up a few freaky facts.  These are things that might not seem true, but are.  Here they are:  1.  The surface area of Russia is actually bigger than the surface area of Pluto.
2.  Oxford University is actually older than the Aztec Empire.
3.  There are more stars in space than there are grains of sand on all of the beaches of the world.
4.  For every human there are 1.6 billion ants.
5.  The total weight of those ants is about the same as the total weight of all the humans.
6.  On Jupiter and Saturn it rains diamonds.
7.  And this one is for my daughter, Angelle, who is terrified of sharks.  Your chances of being killed by a vending machine are actually twice as large as your chances of being bitten by a shark.  Stay away from vending machines, Angelle!

What's freaky in your world?  Know any interesting and freaky facts?  Feel free to share in the comments below.  Let your freak flag fly and have a great weekend!

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