I believe this is another repeat card. It is a card of encouragement. This card is telling you that if you continue to work toward the fulfillment of your dreams and don't allow yourself to become discouraged, you will ultimately experience prosperity and the success of reaching your goals. Be sure that the work you are doing is satisfying to you, has meaning, and that you are proud of it. If there is a new venture you have been putting off because you are afraid of failure, then this card is telling you that this dream can be made real if you put the effort and determination into it. Don't put it off anymore. Believe in your dreams and make them a reality.
This card can also indicate that you might need some help with what you are doing and that you should draw on the knowledge and experience of others. You can choose a partner to work with, but make sure that partner believes in the dream as much as you do.
If you are a part of a team, this card is emphasizing the importance of productive teamwork. You are all part of a whole and each person has something unique to offer. Some give and take is required and you must learn from each other to be successful with this project. This card is a positive one where teamwork is concerned. It shows that your team has the potential to accomplish great things as long as you work together cooperatively.
Be prepared to accept productive and constructive feedback. You may have teachers or supervisors and they are there for a reason. Do not take feedback personally, but instead, use it to improve yourself and your work.
Finally, it is important to use some time management skills to accomplish your goal or dream. Planning, management and organisation are important and are elements of this card. You may notice the blacksmith in the illustration on the card has his tools he needs all around him. He is prepared to do what needs to be done and takes pride in his work. You need to be sure that you create a detailed plan and follow a schedule. These things will pay off in the end.
Have a tremendous Tuesday. Check back for "Witchy Wednesday" tomorrow. I'm thinking of highlighting some fingernail rings! That should be fun.
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