Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday Musings

Well, hello there, Monday.  I took a week off from blogging last week.  I missed it, but you know, life happens and I was feeling overwhelmed with catching up and getting things rolling at school and home.

There has been much going on in the sky and the world.  I felt, during the past week, as though I was going through a "dark night of the soul". So, I researched this phenomenon a little bit.  In the Roman Catholic church, the dark night of the soul refers to a period of spiritual crisis.  This can mean a period of doubt, of uncertainty, and in many cases, doubt about there being an after-life.  Several well-known spiritual people have gone through the dark night of the soul, the most famous perhaps being Mother Teresa of Calcutta.  Her dark night of the soul apparently lasted from 1948-1997, when she died.  Friends of hers said that it had begun to lift towards the end of her life.  St. Paul of the Cross went through a dark night of the soul period that lasted 45 years.  Douglas Adams, the author, paraphrased the dark night of the soul in his book "Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul".

For me, the past week was just one of feeling very "blah".  I doubted everything.  Myself, the world, God, people, etc. etc., while things in my life continued to fall apart around me.  I'm a person who is usually very happy, very on top of things, and very sure of myself.  I found none of that to be the case during this time.  Of course, astrologists will tell you that we have also been going through a period of "Mercury Retrograde", in which Mercury appears to be moving backwards.  That ends today, thank goodness.  Also, the planets are currently aligned, which apparently doesn't happen that often. Put all that together with the full moon and you have an astrological situation that could throw anybody off.  If you believe that that sort of thing can affect our lives, that is.  I feel that coming out of this period, I will only be stronger.  "What doesn't kill you.....", as they say.

My friend lent me a book called "The Forgetting Time".  She read the book and said it made her think of me.  When my daughter, Angelle, was very little and would get scolded by me, she would often talk about liking her "other mother", the one with the dark hair, better than she liked me.  I would try to assure her that I had always been her mother, but she was persistent that no, she'd had another one, and she liked her better.  Of course, she only said she liked the other one better when she was in trouble with me.  She was also a child who would occasionally "see" things that weren't there.  A cute little girl in the bathroom and her imaginary friends, "Pete and Connie" who played with her on the swings. The book, "The Forgetting Time" is a fiction based on this phenomenon, which apparently is not that uncommon.  Sometimes a child is born with memories of a past life.  They say that around the age of 6, they forget these memories.  In Angelle's case, that's about right.  She can remember having memories, and what those memories were now, but that's about it.  She can remember that she remembered living in a big house and having a dalmation and a mother with dark hair.  I have to wonder if she didn't also know some people named Pete and Connie.  Were these memories of a past life?  I believe it's possible.  Like I said, this has been known to happen.  I highly recommend reading the book "The Forgetting Time", if this is a topic that interests you.  

So, here we are on Monday and the last day of Mercury Retrograde.  I'm feeling better about things already.  The children's choir I direct starts up again for the semester on Thursday.  KD is busy with play rehearsals.  Angelle's duet got accepted to perform for her high school pops concert.  Life can only get better.  I am alive, I have food to eat and a roof over my head.  I have a beautiful family that brings me so much joy.  I have a career that I love and I have the magic of life.  Life is beautiful. Earth is beautiful.  I am so very thankful.  I hope that you have much to be thankful for this new Monday.  I'll continue to read from the very fun "Super Awesome Fortune Telling Deck" tomorrow for Tarot Tuesday.  Be sure to check back.

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