Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday Musings

Marvelous Monday, everyone.

This morning I awoke to the sad news that David Bowie has passed away at age 69.  He was one of my favorite pop artists.  When Angelle was young, we watched "Labyrinth" together more than once.  As I tried to explain to her who David Bowie was this morning, she couldn't remember the movie at all.  Hmm.  Next free night we have, I'm going to have to have those girls of mine watch it.  RIP, Goblin King.

The lottery has climbed to over a billion dollars.  What?!?  That's even more insane than it was on Saturday.  How can the people of the world have actually contributed that much money to a lottery? It's mind boggling.  Yes, I will buy a ticket or two, but no, I don't expect to win anything.  Again, the odds are astronomical, but there is always that chance.   And if I did, I have plenty of dreams I would turn into a reality.  It's fun to dream.

Speaking of dreaming, do you ever wonder if we are just the product of the Creator's dream?  Is He/She simply dreaming us?  These are things I occasionally find myself thinking about.  Also, I will sit and puzzle about why my consciousness is the only one I am aware of.  Someone told me it's because there really is just one consciousness and we are all part of the "all".  Well, that makes me think of Star Trek and the "Borg".  Sorry, but I will not be assimilated.

I went out with a great group of women on Friday night to Sissy's Sircus.  I blogged about that on Friday.  It was a crazy fun night and I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to have crazy fun with.  I wore my white fuzzy scarf that lights up with bright flashing disco lights, so a couple times during the Sissy's Sircus show, when it was appropriate and I didn't feel like I'd distract from the performance, I turned them on and had my own light show.  Of course, this was during times when the audience was encouraged to stand up and dance anyway, so it worked.

The rest of the weekend was a great weekend to stay in and drink hot cocoa and tea.  That is, when we weren't running around to lessons or rehearsals.  KD got a part in "Boxcar Children" at the BHCT. She will be playing the part of "Violet", so is busy with rehearsals for that right now.

Now that it's 2016, I am thinking about having the occasional Friday the 13th tea party or some such thing.  It was an idea that occurred to me on a Friday the 13th recently before the New Year.  Of course, the theme would be anything unlucky.....walking under ladders, broken mirrors, etc. etc.  I'm going to give that some more thought.  What would want to do or see at a Friday the 13th party?

Tomorrow for Tarot Tuesday, I think I'm going to take a small break from the regular Gilded Tarot and start pulling a card from my "Super Awesome Fortune Telling Deck".  This will be just for fun so you can see how entertaining the pictures on these cards are.  They are a legit deck, so we will also listen go the messages they give us.  I pulled a card for myself yesterday and find this deck lends itself pretty well to the single card draw.

I hope Monday is finding you happy and staying warm.  Listen to some David Bowie today, maybe watch "Labyrinth" with some popcorn and a cup of hot cocoa.

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