The page is a free spirit who represents change and new beginnings. He has a passion for life, and in his youth, he sees the world through new eyes, taking in the beauty and possibility around him. He has yet to be weighed down by the burdens and struggles of the mundane. He comes and goes as he pleases and is not afraid of change, in fact, he pursues it.
The appearance of this card may indicate that you are experiencing a time of creative restlessness. You could also be on the verge of a new discovery or a new phase of life. The "Page of Wands" is representative of the sudden creative spark that comes to you and catapults you down the road of a new creative vision or endeavor. Be sure to express yourself and be true to your unique style and individuality.
Are you feeling creative urges? This is definitely a time to follow them, even if you are worried about standing out. This card is showing that with persistence, even immature desires can be transformed into a wonderful, life-changing, world-changing creative vision.
It is okay right now to be a little bit positive and impulsive, but make sure you balance this with a little common sense and don't let impatience take over. Don't be quick to anger or lose interest. These will only lead to wasting time on your project.
You might be very busy right now and involved in many different projects and activities and you are enjoying that. You enjoy having the opportunity to choose what you will work on today. You like variety and being able to work on different things.
This card can also bring a message. With this card, that usually means good, positive, sometimes unexpected news. Someone close to you might be welcoming the birth of a new child, a friend might have a new and inspiring idea, or you might be faced with new opportunities to do something great in the world. Whatever the news might be, the Page always brings positive and happy news, usually associated with change and creative energy.
Lastly, the "Page of Wands" could possibly represent a new person entering your life. This person will be a trusted friend who is interested in your projects and wants to help you with them. This person will have honorable intentions and will be genuine. The purpose of this person is to spark change and help you change your perspective. He/she will help you to see new possibilities.
Enjoy this period of change, opportunity, and creative growth. Something exciting is on the horizon and I can't wait to see what it becomes.
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