Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday Musings

Well, here we are.  My daughters have just two weeks left of summer vacation.  I have two and a half.  Things are getting real.  Both girls are registered for school.  I have officially been hired as the temporary director of the UNI Children's Chorus.  Angelle sings at the State Fair this Friday. The play "Dream Within a Dream" will begin rehearsals next Monday.  And here I am, sitting outside on this beautiful day, one of the last few that I will actually be able to have the time to do this, typing out my thoughts.

Always up for new adventures, the girls and I went to the Psychic and Paranormal Expo in Marion, Iowa.  We thoroughly enjoyed the experience and at just $5 a head to get in, it was a pretty good deal. While there we listened to a couple of speakers, namely, Paulette (Mama) Moon and Chris Moon, with his phone to the dead.  We were particularly impressed with Paulette's presentation.  Since she reads the tarot, I found it to be quite interesting.  She is also just naturally a very good presenter.  She is funny and natural in front of an audience.  While I didn't get picked for her to do a quick gallery reading for me, I enjoyed watching her work with the ones she did pick.  And to make up for that, I did get into the line to make a "phone call" to the other side while Chris Moon was presenting.  That was a very interesting experience.

We met some very nice people while checking out the various vendors.  KD bought a pen made from a (what else) crow feather, and Angelle bought a wand made from a recycled plastic ballpoint pen cylinder and a beautifully artsy notebook designed by Sapphire Moonbeam from Kansas City.  She had her name legally changed to that.  And it suits her.  Sapphire had so much beautiful artwork and jewelry and is working on designing a tarot deck.  She had some clay figurines and I immediately commented on the green wicked witch figurine and explained that I really liked witchy stuff.  She said that she did, too, and then she told me that she was a witch herself.  Ah, a kindred soul!
KD was very drawn to fairy items.  Artwork depicting fairies, fairy gardens, fairy doors, etc. etc.
Sapphire was quick to pick up on that.  I'm hoping our paths will cross again.

There was another lady from right up here in Waterloo who had a booth there.  It's where KD bought her pen and Angelle bought her wand.  She had the funniest personality and a very dry sense of humor and we all three really liked her.  She has a shop on Etsy.  You should check it out.  I think her shop name was Zhana.  I just looked through all the business cards I got there, and can't find one for her, which surprises me.  She was a favorite!

We also saw our fortune telling friend, Tina, also from Waterloo, there.  She once read the palms of both KD and Angelle earlier this summer.  She is awesome and it was fun to run into her there.

Cedar Valley Reiki Center from Cedar Falls was also there displaying their beautiful products and giving Reiki sessions.

Angelle has always loved rocks and stones, so she really enjoyed "Crystals in the Raw".  The vendors were so nice and willing to explain and educate about their crystals.  He goes to a mine and mines them himself, then leaves them as natural as he can without completely polishing them.  I don't think I had ever seen crystals looking that natural before.  I like them better that way.

There was even a belly dancing troupe there.  I love their name, "Dancing with Scissors".  Angelle and KD tried their hand at belly dancing when they did a short teaching session.  They had a lot of fun.

There were tarot card readers, some very well-known psychics (like Chris Moon and Robert Baca), reiki healers, energy workers, jewelry makers and crystal miners.  So much to see!  We were inspired to the point that we are looking into having our own booth next year.  We would like to sell some of our jewelry and art and also give readings with tarot, Lenormand, pendulum and palm reading.  We have decided to call our fortune telling hobby business "Three Witches".  I don't think we will be as "new agey" as some of the other vendors and readers, but are going to be more straight-forward fortune tellers.  Angelle can sell her rock necklaces and KD is going to come up with some cool artwork.  It will be an adventure, anyway!

I hope this beautiful Monday is finding you enjoying the outdoors a bit.  We couldn't ask for a more perfect day.  Stop by tomorrow as I (or maybe KD or Angelle) draw a tarot card and interpret it's meaning for "Tarot Tuesday".

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