Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday Musings

This morning found the girls and I getting up much earlier than we have been this summer and heading off to school.  Well, I actually didn't go to school, but am participating in two days of Leader In Me Training (based on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People aka Covey training).  Then Wednesday will be our official day back to school with next Monday being our first day with students.

I have to say I actually got a lot out of our first day of LIM training.  I kind of like looking at my life and analyzing how I spend my time.  I also actually wrote down some of those big future dreams I've been thinking about.  Somehow they become more real once I actually write them down.

My new love is writing.  I've really been enjoying writing for my blog.  I loved participating with the "Po-etic Collective" in writing "Dream Within a Dream".  It's even more fun to watch it come to life in rehearsals.  It was fun to submit a story for publication.  I just found out it was rejected, but I'm okay with that.  I submitted another one and will wait to see what they do with that.  I also might submit my first story to other appropriate publications.  I believe that my writing is "sharpening the saw" for me.  It is good for my soul and I truly enjoy it.

Yesterday was my 51st birthday.  My husband did a fantastic job again of making me feel like a queen on my special day.  I watched a bit of "Dream Within a Dream" rehearsal.  This play is going to be so delightfully dark and creepy I can hardly stand it.  Watching it come together is very rewarding.  Then we went and played laser tag, one of my favorite fun time things to do.  We had teams of 5 each and discovered it was much more challenging with more people.  After that our family went to Red Lobster.  Yum!  Add to that a witchy angel-food confetti cake (decorated with spiders and witch hats, my family knows me so well), and I had a perfect day.  Not to mention one of my butterflies decided to share my birthday and emerged yesterday, too.

I have a recent obsession with handmade witch hats.  I found some beautiful ones on Etsy.  There is a nice black and white one which would complement my Silent Supper dress nicely.  Even better, I saw some really cute crocheted ones.  I have set my good friend DuRaae working on crocheting witch hats for my two daughters and I.  When we start exhibiting at Psychic and Paranormal expo's, we plan to wear them.  We won't be doing that for quite awhile yet, so lots of time to prepare!  I'll be sure to post pictures of the hats when they are finished.

After a full day, my 11 year old has gone to her friend's house and my 16 year old is sleeping.  The first day of her junior year must have worn her out.  I am hoping for a bicycle ride tonight.  Preferably with my daughters, but I'll go by myself if I must.  I need to make some contacts for the UNI Children's Choir which I will be directing this semester.  The first rehearsal is next Thursday, so I have much preparation to do.  I have a feeling this evening is going to go by very quickly and then it will be Tuesday!  I'll try to get up early enough to draw the tarot card before I go to LIM training and get everyone sent off to school.

How was your Monday?  New beginnings?  Back to school?  I would love to hear about it.

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