I am so used to drawing very positive cards, that this is something new. The Seven of Swords is a card of deception and betrayal. This card urges caution when attempting to use secrecy, cunning, or even deception to gain an advantage over someone or something else.
One way to read this card is as advice to face a problem head on. You may be tempted to sneak away from a particular situation that isn't working for you anymore. You might be tempted to procrastinate from doing something unpleasant. You might not feel ready to deal with issues in life and are aiming for a solution where you can just escape and not have to worry. You might be avoiding unpleasant situations and allowing them to just become worse. Be sure to ask yourself if avoiding the problem is realistic or if you need to face it head on.
On the flipside, this card asks you to be very cautious so that you don't become a victim of someone else's deception, betrayal, cheating or false motives. For some reason I can picture my readers checking their spouse's or significant other's phones right now! You might be trusting someone who has their own agenda which might leave you high and dry. Be careful of who you trust over the next few months. You could be at a risk to be taken advantage of. Trust your gut instincts when something doesn't feel right. At the same time, don't be overly paranoid!
Finally, sometimes the Seven of Swords can indicate a desire to be more independent. You might think that you have a better chance at success if you go your own way and don't listen to the input and advice of others. Sometimes this can work in your favor, but sometimes this can cause you to feel isolated and alone or maybe even excluded. You might miss the great feeling of collaboration that working with a group can create. If you are feeling like you need to work alone, make sure it will really work for you.
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